Black Panther

The second step toward successful completion of the course project. In this milestone, you will describe the culture(s) and subculture(s) present in your chosen film. You will also identify some of the observed cultural norms that are unique to the culture(s) and subculture(s) in your film. Remember to practice cultural relativism throughout your work.This milestone will help you identify and...
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please read the file attached. random ETFs are: BetaShares NASDAQ 100 ETF Ccy H, BetaShares Active Australian Hybrids ETF, BetaShares Geared Australian Equity ETF, Fidelity Global Emerging Markets ETF and Smartshares Europe.Required:1. You will be assigned a random list of five ETFs to analyse for this Major Assignment. Please follow the instructions on Canvas carefully on how to generate this...
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forecasting methods

Show your work and explain your process for determining the solution for each of these problems on a word document with the solution given below the problem. If Excel was used, please indicate that as well on the word document. A word document and/or the Excel Workbook (if used) should be submitted to the Dropbox with labels on the worksheets to indicate which problem is being evaluated.All...
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Book Review

Write responses to the chapters that you did not already cover in the following book, each being 1 page, double-spaced. Each response should first contain a personal element and then a professional element. That is, in each response, please express first from the point of view of a Jew grappling with thematerial in that chapter, and then from the point of view of a rabbi/cantor engaging withthe...
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10-12 page slide PowerPoint presentation in which you describe possible decision points that an officer may have faced. Explain how one decision the officer could have made modeled abuse of discretion or modeled positive use of discretion. Describe factors that may limit the officers discretion. Explain at least three internal and external mechanisms police department to use for accountability.
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Food insecurity in Lebanon and the implications of Hezbollah’s initiatives

Research report for the module of 'Land Fuel and Agriculture' - the research report much be a question surrounding topics of land security, food security and political economy of land and resources in the context of global scarcity The module summary is - "The module explores the political economy of land and resources in the context of global scarcity. It focuses on the impact of mining and...
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How Bullying Impacts A Student’s Academic Performance

This written assignment contains two parts: an outline and a narrative component for your research paper.OutlineNow that you have begun to do research in earnest for your project, begin thinking about how you will organize your material. An outline is critical to helping you begin to organize your thoughts and the development of your paper. Consequently, it is imperative you devote your attention...
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The final paper will be essay based.  Please choose FOUR of the below questions and answer them in essay form.  The answer to EACH question should consist of approximately one page.  Submit the complete document as a whole and not in four parts please. Please be in-depth with these responses and detailed with your responses. Include source material in the appropriate APA format....
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Browser Extension Makes You a More Ethical Shopper?

Read the blog article (See link below), This Browser Extension Makes You a More Ethical Shopper With Just One Click.  After reading the article, submit a college-level response to the following questions:On the surface, this seems like a good idea - and it is.  But, how could this extension be misused from an ethical perspective?  Also, what, if any, are the security, privacy,...
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online scavenger huny

Please complete all questions and seperate themOzone is a complex chemical. In the1980s a big concern was the hole in the ozone. What is the current status of the ozone hole?  Now, you might hear more about ozone warning while driving. What causes this and why is it is problem? What references did you use to answer this question? (minimum of 50 words; question worth 5 points)Completing...
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