Identifying a Population in a Selected Community Discussions

A few indicators of a population would be those identified in your Community Assessment as vulnerable populations, or those at risk, for example the homeless, adolescents, pregnant, elderly, and those with associated health problems such as diabetes, STDs, malnutrition, cancer, obesity, cardiovascular disease, lung disease, etcTo start your search and interest you might look at your community...
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Integration(WEEK 2)

For the assignments in this course, you will be developing a comprehensive Systems Integration Design Proposal as your project. Your first task in this process will be to select an enterprise to use as the basis of your project. You will also create the shell document for the final project deliverable, which you will be working on during each unit. As you proceed through each project phase, you...
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Tok Exhibition Writeup #3

Complete the Draft write-up for your first object of your Exhibition.  Follow the template below, and look at the sample that got 10/10 below My prompt question is: How can we know that current knowledge is an improvement upon past knowledge? The object must be specific and you must compare it with the prompt question.300words max
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Evidence-Based Practice and Evaluation Through Measurable Goals Discussion

This week you will consider nursing interventions for key health concerns in your population. Develop evidence-based, culturally appropriate, measurable (SMART) interventions to help your population members maintain an optimal state of health. Include the 3 levels of prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) in your goals. Is there a possibility of changing the behavior or social determinants...
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Bartolome de las Casas, a Spanish friar who some feel earned the title Defender of the Indians. The question is How should we view the legacy of de las Casas and the Catholic Church?

I just need an outline done for an essay. I attached the outline format. The outline must be based of a chart I have completed which is also attached. The question being answered is Attached will be the sources you need to answer the essay question. You must use the chart and the same evidence in the essay. I need an outline and an essay done. The question is How should we view the legacy of de...
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The most important domestic issue facing the United States is

For this assignment, you will read the article. Look over the various choices and decide which one interests you the most (you might have to read a couple). Once you have decided, I want you to use the article to help you respond to the prompt below. Your essay can use information from the article, but it must be in your own words and should be roughly 700 to 1000 words.  Make sure you...
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Retell the story of the Ring of Gyges. What point is Plato trying to make with that story? Do you agree or disagree with that point?

Writing TipsThink of the CAP as a well-researched persuasive/argumentative paper.  Imagine that you are trying to persuade an intelligent, but uninformed reader of your conclusion, which is encapsulated in your thesis statement.  The last sentence of your introductory paragraph should be your thesis statement.  A common problem that I see is that the thesis statement is way too...
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The total length of this assignment (answer to all questions taken together) should be 1100 to 1300 words in length (with a typical font and spacing this will be 4 to 5 pages) and should use information from the textbook, online resources, and your own experiences. This assignment provides an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the reading material. Be sure to document all sources...
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2-1: Current Issues in Policymaking

PurposeThis assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following:1) Develop and analyze the theoretical relationships of supply and demand.2) Analyze different market forces that change demand and supply and determine how the non-price factors impact the pricing of goods and services in the U.S. healthcare system.3) Analyze market equilibrium and disequilibrium conditions and explain how...
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