
No Work Cited NecessaryUsing details or examples from the assigned readings this week (Tannen, Brooks, Madrigal, Cisneros, etc.) discuss what patterns emerge in personal and/or romantic relationships.Do such patterns change our notion of love over the years? If so, how or why?Is something as seemingly timeless as love also subject to the defining forces that remake so much of our political,...
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NO WORK CITED NECESSARYWrite or draw a CLAIM about GRATITUDE: Is gratitude something that just arises or emerges, or is it our job to develop it, foster it, create it for ourselves and others? Is it an individual venture (like prayer, or swallowing food) or is it something we work on in groups or specific contexts? Can people be grateful while things are unjust, or can only the privileged be...
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What is the purpose of government? Select a quotation from a US president. Then, write an argumentative essay that explains why you agree or disagree with the president’s views.

What is the purpose of government? Select a quotation from a US president. Then, write an argumentative essay that explains why you agree or disagree with the president's views. In the conclusion to your essay, present your own views on the purpose of government based on the statement you evaluated and discussed.
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Choose any THREE terms, concepts, or themes highlighted in bold in the attached file DEFINE each term, concept or theme, in your own words. Then, EXPLAIN how each one is relevant to the article "Welcome to Tubman House," by referring to specific examples presented in the text.WATCH: ATTACHED FILE "Welcome to Tubman House"
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Philosophy of love and sex

It can be argued that love, sex, and lust are neither sufficient nor necessary for one another taken singly or in pairs. For example, while it is true that one can have love, sex, and lust together, it is also easy to imagine cases in which there is love without either sex or lust, or cases in which there is sex without love or lust. The combinatorics are straightforward, as the following table...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Video 1: Moerman, Gerben (2016). 1.1 On elephants (Qualitative Methods: Philosophy of QualitativeResearch: University of Amsterdam. Posted on YouTube on 11-09-2016. Duration 00.10.07).Available at: Question 1: Thinking about the story told by Jan Van Der Ploeg and recounted by GerbenMoerman, What happened in reality? In other words, what are all the different explanationsgiven for the destruction...
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Job design

Job DesignFor this assignment, you will create the job description using the information from your Job Analysis assignment in Week 2. The job analysis is a critical step in the process for a job description to be reliable and useful. Remember, as an HR leader, you would typically have input from more than one position questionnaire to complete a job analysis.Prior to beginning work on this...
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Design a simulated automated teller machine

The goal of this final project is to design a simulated automated teller machine (ATM) for a bank.For this project, you can think that all the customers who are using the system will be associated with the bank (i.e. the ATM system will not recognize an ATM card which is not associated with this bank). As soon as customer open an account with this bank, they receive a valid ATM debit card. The...
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