Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your learning outcomes:Explore the role of the NCAA in regulating and governing college athletics.Synthesize the thoughts expressed by the critics of the NCAAExamine the role of Title IX in improving gender equity in college athleticsRead Article 4 in:Belanger, K. (2016). Invisible seasons: Title IX and the fight for equity in college sports. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press....
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Analyzing Body Language

InstructionsSocial Movements are only as important as the person leading them. The person(s) leading a social movement must have charisma and be able to captivate an audience. Political scientists and historians are taught to analyze body language, especially during debates and speeches.For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream (Links to an external site.) speech...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

NO WORK CITED PAGE NECESSARY PROMPT Choose any of the following angles or questions to write a thoughtful closing statement about happiness in a massively interlinked society of 8 billion people who all equally matter as much as the relatively few Americans . Out of the approximately 8 billion people, there are 331 million people in the USA (that's like one-third of a billion), which makes us the...
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Analyzing Body Language

InstructionsSocial Movements are only as important as the person leading them. The person(s) leading a social movement must have charisma and be able to captivate an audience. Political scientists and historians are taught to analyze body language, especially during debates and speeches.For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream (Links to an external site.) speech...
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Using the Biblical Worldview

Assignment Please identify and answer the following questions in complete sentences.  For the original fantasy elements, write at least two sentences for each one.  Your Biblical Worldview Questions need to have at least two sentences each as well.  Please be sure to cite any resources used in MLA format. The citation for this excerpt is given at the very end.Original Fantasy...
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Discussion/Critical thinking writing

NO WORK CITED NECESSARY Draw or Write about the POINT about LOVE implied by Plato's multiple "frames" or "stories" in The Symposium, which means "drinking party." You can use any of the questions and the framework below to help you shape your final discussion and reflection. How does framing in Platos Symposium serve the development of an argument about love? How might you also "toast" to love at...
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Medical Matrix

CASE 2:  A woman contracts three people i.e., an unknown sperm donor, an egg donor, and a surrogate in Asia to co-jointly produce a child, whom she will adopt.  Analyze: 1) from the childs possible perspective upon reaching age 16; and 2) in light of each of the major Medical Ethics Traditions found on the Matrix.CASE 3:  Five individuals are rushed from a diplomatic van...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

  Answer with a 3-4 page critical essay deposited in Drop Box prior to the final exam meeting time.At the end of the Cold War, intellectuals struggled to find a new framework with which to judge global affairs.  With the fall of the Soviet Union, what new ideological and social tendencies might hold sway?For this essay, you will read extracts from three of those intellectuals, all...
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The Great Depression

Think about the great depression as a story line in American history. Identify three or four events/people/turning points where that topic is especially interesting or important. Be sure to space those points out over time. And then write an essay in which you use those events or people to tell a story about how America changed during that span of time. Not the whole story, just a story, centered...
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Bronte Sisters

You are going to do some research today. It will be a 6 paragraph, possibly dis-jointed essay.  I would like you to research this question: What causes the 3 sisters to all grow up to be well-known authors? Discuss a bit about the Bronte family dynamic and each sister. The sisters can go in any order in your essay. Here is a basic outline: 1.Intro w/ thesis statement. Bring your paper...
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