Understanding of a Bank’s financial Statements
The overall intent of the Paper is to understand a Banks financial statement, its position in the market place and how the Bank compares to its piers. The Banks total assets should not be more than $2B.
1. Using Charles Schwab Bank, SSB
Items that must be covered:
Identify the type of Bank – Charles Schwab Bank, SSB
Which regulatory agency governs them
What is the Banks focus (i.e. Commercial, deposit only ..)
Calculate and show work by attaching exhibits
o Net Interest Margin
o Net Noninterest Margin
o Net Operating Margin
Show, at a minimum, two competing Banks financial statements for comparisons via exhibit
Discuss how the Bank compares, two strength and two weaknesses, in relationship to the competing Banks (i.e. Net Interest Margin is a strength due to .)
Paper will be graded on the following criteria:
All components completed
Accuracy of content
Format was easy to follow
Analysis competent
Websites that could help in both your research and bank comparison:
See attached PDF “Sample Paper 1” for an example of the formatting.