California Pizza Case

Overall document length: 3000 – 5000 words (excluding bibliography)
Document Structure
– Cover page
– Table of Contents
– Main Body: Case Analysis
– Conclusion
– Solution
– Bibliography
Document style
– Font: Arial or Times New Roman
– Text size: 12pt
– Layout: Align left (flush-left ragged-right)/Do not use Justify
– Line spacing: 1.5l
– Hyphenation: Off: do not hyphenate
– Page numbers: Bottom right
– References Reference: Students should follow the Harvard referencing style, where references must
appear as in-text citations.
– Numbering: Consecutive throughout the document, beginning with 1 on the introductory page. Pages
prior to the introduction must appear in roman numerals
– Language use/spelling style: Students are free to use either U.K. or USA English, but they must be
consistent. A spelling and grammar check can help students. Marks will be deducted when red
and/or green lines appear in the digital copy.

PowerPoint for each case: 5- 10 slides Visual (avoid too much text)!

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