
Discussion # 2 : End of Life initial post. Due initial post due week 4 of class, and two peer responses on week 5 and 6 of classEnd-of-Life Care (including advanced directives, palliation)Topics to review: Article: Nurses roles and responsibilities Providing care and support at end of life. /endoflife-positionstatement.pdfFor your initial post/ threat choose 1 focal point from each subcategory of...
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International Political Economy

USE NO OUTSIDE SOURCES OTHER THAN THE TWO PROVIDEDProvide a 700-word summary/analysis of the chapters/articles (the articles/chapters are attached) below in the form of a short essay. A good summary will have an overarching argument and a conclusion and will include a synthesis of the articles/chapters as opposed to just mentioning the key points of each. Wolf, Martin. 2005. Why Globalization...
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Global Sales Pitch—Persuasive Speech

Directions: You have been placed into a  small group. Together, browse Google and/or YouTube and find a product or service from any country outside of the United States. With your group, you will put together a Sales Pitch to try and sell your classroom audience this product or service. How can you make it appeal to American audience?    The presentations should last roughly 6...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Policy and Social Issues You will answer each of the questions below according to the topic of your choosing.1. Statement of the Problem, including prevalence (how often it occurs), historical aspects (where and when it began) and causes (why it happens). 20 points2. Discussion of related social policies and laws, description of key players (individuals, groups) and macro-level interventions...
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there are two questions, each questions must be answered with a maximum of 300 words. Thank you.1. What is aggregate planning? What is the main difference between demand and supply strategies for managing production quantities using aggregate planning? How might a pricing strategy work to increase product sales for intermediate term planning? How might a manager vary the workforce size to match...
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women, art, and Western civilization.

Read through Research Project Description before start working on your project idea. In a 200-word paragraph, explain your project idea(s), your interest in or prior study of the idea(s), how your idea(s) might meet the project requirements, and where you plan to observe in-person the art/creative form in your study. Please note that you do not have to go to a museum to see art; many art/creative...
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Appreciation Paper

To reinforce the learning opportunities provided by our Guest Experts, I am asking you to provide appreciation for what you remember most, what was most impactful and/or what you remain curious about when it comes to at least five of the seven Guest Experts we have had visit our class this semester.Your comments will also allow me to send a detailed letter of appreciation to each of the Guest...
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