Write a 3 page double-spaced paper on: How you will create and execute your invest plan and strategy. Also include how your ability to create & manager YOUR Wealth will impact you, your family, your community, and the w

Write a double-spaced paper on how you will create and execute your investment plan and strategy. Also include how your ability to create & manage YOUR  Wealth will impact you, your family, your community, and the world. Remember Money is a tool and how you use that not only affects you but the people who are around you and connected to you.  Our actions affect our community and the...
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Agency Evaluation Paper

***NEED DONE ASAP PLEASE***Agency Evaluation PaperYou will write a 4 page paper, double spaced, evaluating the non-profit of your choosing.You will need to use the National Center for Charitable Statistics Database and Charity Navigator to obtain some of your may also need to search news stories to obtain information on the type of relationship the nonprofit has with government.The paper will...
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The Wrongful Conviction of Michael Morton

Watch "An Unreal Dream"https://fod-infobase-com.proxy.ccis.edu/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=65990# with a view towards evaluating the justice system and the potential for error. Describe the events described in the film and your thoughts/opinions on it. Discuss your opinion of law enforcement, the prosecutor(s), defense attorneys, and the judge based upon the events in the film.What are the main reasons...
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Internet Career Builder Exercise

Internet Career Builder Exercise1. These are some of the jobs that are available in the field of privacy and security policy making and compliance. In the field of privacy, some jobs require a law degree. In the field of Internet security, many require an information technology degree. These jobs, and others, do not require law training or extensive technological expertise. You can find others on...
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Effective Marketing Blog

Write  a 1,050-word blog using the Marketing Blog template as a guide that discusses three main marketing tips for business start-ups.  Note that the template is just a guide to help you organize your thoughts. You are not turning in the template. This is a properly formatted APA paper.Discuss why these three tips are important for new entrepreneurs.Include specific supporting arguments...
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Questions to Burberry case

Questions to Burberry case          (HBS W142120)1. How is Burberry perceived in the market place? How does the present  image compare to the past and the factors which made the brand successful?2. As the new CEO, what would be your biggest challenges and what would you focus on?3. As the world globalizes and the quality of production in the outsourced factories...
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What do the women in Sula say about the concept of womanhood and manhood? How does this align or differ from traditional concepts?

For this assignment, you will write a research paper. As usual, your paper is expected to conform to MLA 8 formatting standards. You are aiming to have a word count of around 2000 words before your works cited page. Must align with my response: The women of the book Sula have various concepts of womanhood and manhood. The concept of womanhood is to simply get married, have & nurture your own...
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The Trials of the Scottsboro Boys

Go to Famous Trials. Then scroll to find the tab "The Trials of "Scottsboro Boys": An Account"https://famous-trials.comAnalyze: The Scottsboro Boys Trial. Read as much as you can about the case on this site. Obtain at least two other research sources on the case through the internet or other research.  Write a paper concerning the case where you discuss the following issues:- the factual...
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End of Life Discussion

Discussion: End of Life initial post. End-of-Life Care (including advanced directives, palliation) Topics to review: Article: Nurses roles and responsibilities Providing care and support at end of life. /endoflife-positionstatement.pdfFor your initial post/ threat choose 1 focal point from each subcategory of practice, education, research and administration and describe how the APRN can provide...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

In a 750-1,000 word reflection, identify the school settings for the professionals you interviewed and discuss the following:Describe what you learned about the typical types of disabilities you might expect to see as part of your professional practice. Include discussion of how interacting with the school psychologist could be beneficial in increasing your personal knowledge of the...
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