
What are some of the economic themes that have surfaced in the cases presented? How might some of the economic theories encountered in class shape responses to the crises examined?  Drawing from readings and discussions for this class, how would you develop a response to the economic challenges noted in one of the Frontline cases?Frontline: The Retirement Gamble Trillion and Counting The...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

The movie I decided to watch is one I have seen many times. The name is The Accused. Jodi Foster plays Ms.Tobias, a rape vicitim. Kelly McGillis plays assistant district attorney, Ms. Murphy. Murphy (McGillis) is assigned Ms.Tobias's (Foster) case to prosecute the three men accused of raping Ms.Tobias. Murphy made a deal with the attorney's of the men who raped Ms.Tobias to not go to trial due to...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

This has been an atypical and challenging semester. We have had to shift things around multiple times, and we have had many social challenges ongoing in the background. Hopefully, you have been able to learn something more about research on families--despite everything. During this final week, please take some time to reflect on what you have learned. Go back and flip through your notes,...
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assume the role of a senior executive of Apple to analyze the industrial environment of personal computer (PC) industry.

Each student is required to submit a personal essay (4-page, 12-point font size, double-spaced). In this essay, each student will need to assume the role of a senior executive of Apple to analyze the industrial environment of personal computer (PC) industry. In your essay, you are expected to apply our discussion about external analyses (macro environment, five forces) and competitor analysis to...
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While Medical Geography focuses on the well-being of people as an aspect ofhabitat, it also studies the cause and spread of disease. Select a pandemic orepidemic that was identified before 1975 and discuss its source, diffusionand cure (or means of control).-The bibliography must have at least two sources of information (not includingWikipedia) to document your material. -Start with an...
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Rebuttal Essay about Hamlet

WRITE A REBUTTAL to this mini-essay by Professor Suwak published Nov. 15, 2016Though it is easy for some in the 21st Century to empathize with Hamlet, many readers go too far. This is understandable, but it means they miss an important aspect of the play. Some readers have an immediate liking to him, feel sorry for him, because of his situation: he has been hurt by those closest around him. His...
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museum Report

Museum Report visit online a Museum of your choice to evaluate in essay form your review of a work of art.  Check out  Art Museums online to decide which painting you'd like to choose.  (There is no physical Museum visitation).Choose a painting only (no sculpture, tapestry, photograph, etc.) to which you are especially drawn.  You will notice that the requirements to respond...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

This written assignment requires you to research EITHER the criminal law concept of plea bargaining or the rise in the use of mediation or arbitration to avert civil trials.The American court system is overrun with opportunity for trials. Concepts designed to assist in alleviating the heavy load include plea bargaining (in criminal trials) and mediation or binding arbitration (in civil trials or...
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Population Geography studies people with regard to their habitat. Historically,people have congregated in certain areas of the world because of benefits affordedthem. Using the Islamic Cultural Realm of Northern Africa as a stage (do notextend your discussion to the Arabian Peninsula and SW Asia), first consult a population density map for that area and then identify and discuss the areas...
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Research a type of fracture and follow the below instructions. Pick a unique fracture.Instructions:    Identify the fracture type you will be discussing and describe the fracture.      Discuss the following ideas if they apply to your chosen fracture:o    What bone is it common in?o    Why is it named or classified as it...
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