Plasmid analysis lab presentation

I need help creating a PowerPoint presentation on this lab topic "Plasmid analysis". Instructions: The presentation should consist of a powerpoint presentation. The presentation should provide an introduction, methods, results, and discussion, with lots of images and data, and very little text. PS: If you put just a picture on any of the slides, could you please put points on what I should be...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Review the resources found in the Week 2 Module and the Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence (Levels I-VII) found in Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 4th edition, Box 1.3 on page 18.State the approved PICOT question from Week 1 using the interventionSelect one peer-reviewed nursing research article that supports the problem and/or intervention stated in the PICOT question and discuss the Level...
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formal research paper

A requirement for ENG101 by both the college and the state is that students write a formal research paper.All ENG101 students will write a formal research paper that is at least 6 full pages not including the Works Cited page. This research paper will use the MLA Style for both formatting and documentation.Here are the details:The research paper will need to be at least 6 pages long, not...
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Global Education Leadership Philosophy

Task Introduction:The global education leadership philosophy examines your guiding principles about educational issues as well as the role of educational leadership in the classroom, school, community, and society. It should convey your personal thoughts and beliefs on global education leadership.Reflect on the opportunities you have experienced and observed that have prepared you to become a...
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simplistic logic and complex logic in relation to Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement

In this thesis, the writer has to start off explaining Climate Change as a wicked problem. Then the writer talks about two specific approaches our society is trying to 'solve' climate change. The first attempt to tackle climate change was Kyoto Protocol and currently now it is the Paris Agreement. It is important to explain these approaches towards climate change. So after explaining what the...
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open questions

Please answer the following questions:1. In about 100 words, provide a contextual statement in which you lay out the way in which SOX applies legally to nonprofit organizations2.In about 100 words, describe a process of internal financial controls that can improve financial management in a small non-profit organization. 3. In about 100 words, discuss how a nonprofit board can organize itself to...
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You will have one paper due during the term. You will select two tests of personality (I will have some available, though with approval you can use others) and discuss the theory behind those tests. You will then complete the two tests and have one othe

You will have one paper due during the term.  You will select two tests of personality (I will have some available, though with approval you can use others) and discuss the theory behind those tests.  You will then complete the two tests and have one other person (well known to you) complete the tests as well.  You will then compare and contrast your results on the two tests, the...
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Reflection of the book: Moore, K. (2017). The Radium Girls: the Dark Story of Americas Shining Women. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, Inc.

What was the authors main objective for writing this book?Why do you think it has been assigned for this public health course?What emotions did you feel personally about what you read?What information did you learn or find most interesting? Least interesting?What information did you find surprising? Why?How does this book relate to other books you have read/movies you have seen/ things you have...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

chapter 11.pptx (1.5 MB) chapter 11Chapter 10 is attached on the file Use Chapters 10 and 11 to answer these questions in a thoughtful manner. Use evidence from your book or other resources to support your answers.1.  What are the issues related to using inmates for labor? Do you agree with the privatization of prison labor? Why or Why not?2. What are some issues related to the death...
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