
MN584 Unit 5 DBOlder adults may present with malnutrition for unique and multifactorial reasons. Describe how the older adult may present with malnutrition, including physical exam findings and lab and other diagnostic findings. Also discuss the impact depression, sensory changes, mobility, dentition, absorption, and finances may have on the older adult, and develop a plan for how you would...
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Benchmark Sports Business Landscape

The topic is: College Athletic DirectorBased on your research and what you have learned about each career, pick one career and write a 750-1,000-word essay that answers the following questions:Out of the three careers you researched, why are you most interested in this one? What skills do you have that will equip you to be successful in this role? What skills would you need to gain or improve to...
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problem solving / problem solution paper about suicide

"The final draft of your research paper should follow the five+ paragraph format, be typed/printed/stapled/double spaced, 2000+ words in length, be written in the assigned rhetorical strategy, and include an outline, an underlined thesis statement, quotes/evidence/details from five or more sources (only one may be from the Internet), MLA in-text citations, an MLA Works Cited page, and a word...
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The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security

OverviewThe United Nations (UN) has hired you as a consultant, and your task is to assess the impact that global warming is expected to have on population growth and the ability of societies in the developing world to ensure the adequate security of their food supplies.Case AssessmentAs the worlds population nears 10 billion by 2050, the effects of global warming are stripping some natural...
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Queer Theory: From Pathology to Pride

1- the first page ( response paper) 275 words minimumRespond to the reading attached -from pathology to pride- you must respond directly to the reading, what you understand, use quotations from it and think along with the authors and what they mean.2- Second page ( response to this person post) 275 words minimumresponseRead this person post based on the same reading and continue with the...
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Quality Healthcare: Measuring NP PerformancePurpose Research the measurement tools of NP performance.  Through the use of quality patient outcomes, list and discuss three different patient interventions and how they would specifically measure the outcomes and how these primary care interventions result in improved patient outcomes and cost savings for the practice.  In addition, discuss...
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Project risk management

My project idea is a clothes store, AB-Clothing LLC.  An upscale clothing store where the focus is to drive awareness to local newspapers, outlets, and the nations top fashion reviews.  Looking to grow the customer base from 300 to 1,000 within a year.  I would like to increase our sales and revenue achieving a net profit of $80,000 within a year. This paper is about managing...
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AI in Marketing

Please watch 5 video presentations below and make a comment on each. 3-4 sentences would be enough for each presentation. You can make a comment about topic of presentation, how well it was structured, what did you take away from it, did you learn anything new from it and etc.
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