final exam

Instructions: Download the Word document, complete it.In the document, you will be required to choose a research question (1 out of 3 possible questions). If one of these questions is nearly exactly what you did for your 3 research projects, you will be REQUIRED to check with your GSI whether or not you can do that question for this assignment.***Please let me know if you have any technical...
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does fame have an impact on sports performance?

do hands-on, original anthropological/sociological research to support the argument in your paper. This means doing in-person interviews and/or direct observation of some sport of contemporary society.apply at least one of the sociological theories reviewed in the Sage, Eitzen and Beal reading (week 1). When you apply your chosen theory, you must also say why you believe it is the best of for...
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Phd proposal

UAE 2050: utilising AI to secure and improve passenger satisfaction and employees wellbeing in airport. I want it to consist of how can i have more plans in future airport in security and safety field. And future innovation in the airport. And how can we be like the best airport in the world in innovation and security like singapore airport. 
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Anthropology and Indigenous Peoples Final Draft

Topic OverviewFor this essay, you will research an indigenous group and their relationship with anthropology.  Include the following points in your essay.     Describe the group you have chosen. Incorporate various topics that we have explored throughout the semester: language, ethnic identity, economy, political system, kinship, marriage, religion, arts.    ...
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Costco1.    What is Costcos business model? Is the companys business model appealing? Why or why not? 2.    What are the chief elements of Costcos strategy? How good is the strategy?3.    How well is Costco performing from a financial perspective? Do some number-crunching using the data in case Exhibit 1 to support your answer. Use the financial ratios...
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UNit 7 Report

Now that you have completed the first six assignments, it is time to complete your research project for the course. Include the following sections in your submission in this exact order.Title PageTable of ContentsExecutive SummaryIntroductionStatement of the ProblemsLiterature ReviewResearch ObjectivesResearch Questions and HypothesesResearch Methodology, Design, and MethodsResearch...
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Choose the correct letter

1. Which of the following best describes the climax of a story?a. The moment when a new character is introduced to solve a key issue in the story.b. The moment of greatest tension when the outcome is decided.c. The moment when a character narrates to the reader his/her motivations.d. The moment when the protagonist is revealed to be the antagonist.2. In medias res is a Latin term that refers toa....
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Final project and paper

The format of this paper is an example of how a basic social science project is executed and written up. Notice that I have broken things up into manageable chunks and with page number suggestions (please use headers for each sction). Also note that you can copy and paste a lot of this information from your earlier essays 1-4, but you will need to do some editing to make it good. You might have...
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Researched Nonfiction Essay

Assignment: Write a researched nonfiction essay on your experience with a subject that you would like to teach others about. Narrate your story and include researched information about the subject matter. Readers should come to understand the subject from both a personal and an objective of view. You must do research into the subject to present more than your own personal knowledge and...
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Researched Nonfiction Essay

Assignment: Write a researched nonfiction essay on your experience with a subject that you would like to teach others about. Narrate your story and include researched information about the subject matter. Readers should come to understand the subject from both a personal and an objective of view. You must do research into the subject to present more than your own personal knowledge and...
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