personal imc/e- resume

Following the guidelines in the announcements and lecture documents, submit you personal IMC. Includes the analysis (SWOT) and the information you would share with a potential employer.This time YOU are the brand.The personal IMC development: Begin with a personal SWOT analysis and try including all elements of the IMC. The goal is an interesting resume that includes past work, videos, links,...
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e resume/personal imc

The personal IMC is due in the Assignments section. This is a thoughtful and careful analysis of your own SWOT that can lead to your introduction as a professional or e-resume. Begin with a personal SWOT analysis (you may use the posted matrix in the documents section) and try including all elements of the IMC. The goal is an interesting resume that includes past work, videos, links, quotes from...
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Decision Analysis

Part 2:Show your work and explain your process for determining the solution for each of these problems on a word document with the solution given below the problem.If Excel was used, please indicate that as well on the word document.A word document and/or the Excel Workbook (if used) should be submitted to the Dropbox with labels on the worksheets to indicate which problem is being evaluated.All...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

The author is female. When you do peer review, please use "she" or "her". Of course, you can use the author as well. Please do not write in a relative mean tone. Be kind please.Grading RubricAnalysis: 60%Presence of a compelling, motivated narrative/argument: 20%Accurate summary and successful integration of secondary sources: 20%Compelling, motivated analysis of primary sources (lyrics, sounds,...
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Think of an insider claimsmaker -- they/it can be an individual, institution, or an organization. What characteristics make them an insider claimsmaker? How have they used their power and influence in the policymaking domain, in the media domain, and/or to sway popular opinion? A useful example which is National Rifle Association (NRA) and their influence on policy with the Dickey Amendment.
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Audience Analysis

Answer the question of why Audience analysis is important, what are we looking for, how do we go about finding what we need, are there moral, ethical or legal ramifications involved, and perhaps, are there other industries where analyzing your audience or target market is crucial-etc. Works cited required, 3-4 sources.
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Exam 3 Essay

The essay needs to be at least three pages and no more than five pages, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, and default word margins. If you have a similarity rating of more than 15 percent, the essay will receive a zero. The essay will be submitted to the assignment dropboxQuestion:  In Why Both Social Structure and Culture Matter in a Holistic Analysis of Inner-City Poverty by...
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Essay 3 Essay

Instructions: You will need to include materials from lecture. Healey book, and assigned videos.  The essay needs to be no less than three pages and no more than five pages, double spaced.In class, we discussed how race is a social construction rather than a biological characteristic. Why does race remain such as salient characteristic? Start your essay by discussing the main sociological...
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Ethics Essay Questions

Write a short essay about each question and use the lectures:Question 1:In a famous passage Kant states that: "the will stands as it were at a crossroads." What is the moral significance of the 'will' for Kant? What kind of a 'crossroads' does he see the will facing? Why does Kant see a 'good will' as the only thing that is good in itself?Question 2:Why does Hobbes think that life in the state of...
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TED talks

For this assignment, you will be writing a reflection paper on one of the following TED talks. In the Self Reflection assignment, examine the effect of course material on your assumptions and knowledge about the role of culture or your everyday interactions with others from a different culture, religion, or socio-economic group. While the reflection is subjective, the paper should be an...
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