New Issues in TLM

This week you will identify and discuss 2-3 issues, challenges, and/or trends within the transportation and logistics field. You will have to conduct online research to determine the issues, challenges, and trends that have emerged over the past 1-2 years. Discuss the issue, challenge, or trend in detail to include how it emerged, what are possible solutions, and how you see it impacting the...
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Review Chapter 5: Subsistence and complete the following steps. Remember that your grade is determined by responses being complete, thorough, and insightful/reflective. You should support all of your answers with specific examples of your observations during your fieldwork.Review all of your field notes to date for your observations about subsistence.Describe the various subsistence practices of...
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please see attachments.PowerPoint presentation based around two articles written by a contemporary researcher in the Neuroscience/Biopsychology fields. You will:1. Select a researcher who conducts research that is of interest to you. Maybe a particular study stood out to you during our lectures, or you came across a researcher on your own. You can also check course lecture slides, textbook, and...
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Manuscript analysis Alzheimer disease

erm paper assignment must do option A A.Primary manuscript analysis assignment: student will be required to select a primary article studying a signal transduction pathway from a top-tier journal and provide an in-depth analysis of the article: choose one  this The analysis must include the following components: 1. The complete article reference (Authors, Journal, Volume, Page numbers) 2. A...
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Discrimination dealing with employment (5th Amendment) and Rooney rule

You are to brief the 2 cases that I am going to list below. I have attached a file detailing how to brief a case, so please make sure to review that. I have also attached a template of how it should look, so please take a look at that as well. Then once the briefs are completed, I need the writer to tell me how does each case relate to the Rooney rule and discrimination dealing with employment...
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Write a reflection about an article

Before attending a lecture about "Bringing Culture into Nutrition Interventions -- Process, Impact and Outcome Evaluation of Nutrition Interventions -- Implementation Science, you read an article Swindle et al. (2019). Please prepare a reflection (175-225 words) and 2 questions from reading the article in Food Nutrition and Culture class.What you need to finish:1. Reflection on this...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose one of the essay we read this week and the provide us with the following:Identify what you think is the rhetorical mode of the essay. Explain how you made your decision.Pick one part of the narrative that really struck you or that you found compelling. Consider what about that particular sentence, paragraph, or section caught your attention. Remember, try to read like a writer.
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Choose one of the essay we read this week and the provide us with the following:Identify what you think is the rhetorical mode of the essay. Explain how you made your decision.Pick one part of the narrative that really struck you or that you found compelling. Consider what about that particular sentence, paragraph, or section caught your attention. Remember, try to read like a writer.
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