Climate change Greenland melting away

OverviewUsing a topic that you have already researched for this course, you will design an infographic that uses text and design elements to inform your audience about the topic.  Because the accurate analysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistics, comparative findings, numerical values) is such an important component of the infographic genre, you will create an original data...
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Korean-American & African American Conflict

Please read the Bailey article attached. In 2-3 sentences of your own words name the cultural/linguistic reasons why African American and Korean Americans have conflict in LA.In 2-3 sentences of your own words name the historical/institutional reasons why African American and Korean Americans have conflict in LA.In 1-2 sentences explain why it's so hard for these groups to 'get along.'
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Message Analysis #2

I had you do a message analysis last week and you did it on " Breast cancer among disabled women." This time I need to do another one but on a different topic.instructions: The purpose of this assignment is to identify and critically evaluate strategies used to communicate about health. You will start to notice health-related communications everywhere you look as a result of taking this course....
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Using the research you began in the Annotated Bibliography, write an essay that is 12 - 15 pages, plus a Works Cited page. Use MLA format. You should continue to conduct research and should have 10 or more sources on your Works Cited page (Links to an external site.). You can also look here for instructions on how to cite sources you find through the HCC Library website. You need to include an...
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Article Rewrite

Choose a recently published scholarly article in your discipline (Information Technology) and adapt it (rewrite it) for a public audience. This assignment consists of five steps:    Finding, evaluating, and summarizing a recently published scholarly article in your discipline    Identifying a new audience and genre for your adaptation of the article   ...
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Power, Culture, & Communication

*TASK:In 1000-1200 words, type a well-written essay with specific concepts and detailed examples. You should rely more on your own words than on long quotes from the 2 readings (Hodges & van Over articles attached); demonstrate how you understand and can apply the concepts:-awareness of and sensitivity to cultural/linguistic diversity  -culture and communication theories and...
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Communication Paper

Healthy teams exercise effective communication. Team productivity depends on members consistently communicate with one another. When teams communicate, they connect.Write a 2-3 page paper describing the communication in teams. You will want to explore the different kinds of communication in organizations and how communication plays an important role along with other areas you believe are...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Make sure to include a clear thesis statement. For example, you might find a common subject or theme the artist addresses.  What do you have to say about this artist and his/her work? -Do NOT write a biography of the artist. Include biographical information relevant to the artists work, then expand upon your thesisand the artworks.As best as possible, discuss the context(s) of the art you...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Review the following Case Study taken from Chapter 1 of your text, and answer the following critical-thinking questions:Warby Parker Puts Affordable Eyewear in FocusEntrepreneura person who risks time, effort, and money to start and operate a business. That definition describes Dave Gilboaalong with Neil Blumenthal, Andy Hunt, and Jeff Raiderfour entrepreneurs who started a new type of eye- wear...
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Pharmaceutical Companies Ethical to the Elderly

6-page research paper not counting the Title page or works cited page. Research Paper on Prescription Drug Advertising.Cover prescription drug advertising, specifically prescriptiondrug advertisements targeting the elderly through commercials. Thecause and effects of the elderly being targeted as well as the regulations on how far legally thepharmaceutical companies can go. Relate on if...
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