Leading A New School

For these assignments, you will be responsible for finding articles published in peer-reviewed journals within the last 5 years. The topic of the articles should be related to diversity in educational leadership, and you should attempt to find articles that correspond to the modules topic being studied. Please avoid using phrases, such as I believe, I think, or I feel, and focus more on using an...
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Women and Leadership in Society

Locate a single article that has personally impacted your own views. Then, craft an email to someone you know, or a fictitious person, explaining how this class has either changed, or not changed, your mind about the course topic: women in leadership positions within our society. This is a personal email that you are crafting as a friendly note to someone who has recently asked what you thought...
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Women and Leadership in Society

As we complete the course, you are asked to evaluate the position statement you offered in your Week 1 Discussion post. First, copy and paste your original position statement into a Word document and then in 2-4 pages, explain how your views/understanding have evolved and/or changed. You are being asked to do this to help you evaluate the work you put into this course by taking an inventory of...
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Biomechanics vs Biotensegrity

You will be comparing/highlighting 3 main conceptual differences between biomechanics and biotensegrity with references from the literature to support your writing.You may choose whatever 3 conceptual differences you wish, here are a few choices of topics for the final that you may use as well:        fascia        lever pully system vs. tensegrity...
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Business plan

In your final project, you will identify an organization to analyze in several of the areas of business strategy discussed in this course. Your assignment is a rendition of a business plan for your company along with the pitch to investors as to why this company is worth investing in, or worth working at based on the goods or services offered. This final project will include various topics...
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Managerial Finance- Show the data used and the calculations for each question in a Microsoft Excel sheet- WK 4 project

Your probationary period at the Cosmo K Manufacturing Group continues.For this week's project, Gerry has asked you to consider two mutually exclusive investments and incorporate risk considerations into the process of evaluation.The Cosmo K Manufacturing Group is considering the addition of a new smelting machine or a new paving machine. The two investments are mutually exclusive; if one is...
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signature study assignment

The signature assignment for this course is an 810-page paperwritten in APA format with cited research (to include a minimum of 4references) on a chosen organization (for example, the NationalInstitute of Health) and a chosen psychiatric disorder covered in theclass. Please discuss one disorder. Do not use the disorder you usedas a diagnosis in you Case Assignment (Pick a new disorder)....
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case study assignment

The Case Assignment for this course will be a 58-page essay(excluding cover page and references). You should use a minimum of3-4 sources from the Touro library in your Case Assignment.Read the following case below and write a 58-page essay thatresponds to the questions following the case scenario.Case:Helen is a 30-year-old Caucasian woman with a 5-year-old daughter.Her husband brought her to a...
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During the period 1830-1877 in the United States, how did someone’s race/ethnicity affect the course of their life? Be sure to discuss at least two racial/ethnic groups in your answer.

Your answer should be an essay that is 3-4 pages long. Your essay should use information or quotations from at least THREE different lectures by Dr. Paddison from unit three, at least ONE secondary source reading from unit three, and at least THREE primary sources (either from Primary Source sets or images from the PowerPoints that accompany each lecture) from unit three. Your essay should begin...
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Child Marriage

Incorporating at least 5 peer-reviewed sources1. Identify a human rights issue and provide demographic, political, social and economics contexts.2. Discuss advocacy campaigns and organization that are working toward eradicating the human rights issue.3. Identify what human rights articles under the UDHR and other international laws, agreements, codes, or enactments that addresses the human rights...
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