A Doll`s House

After your have read A Doll's House (pages 1077-1127) in its entirety, complete the following response: Describe the state of Nora and Helmer's marriage. When first introduced, they seem content and Nora frequently proclaims how "happy" she is. However, by the end of the play, things have changed for them quite drastically. In 250-300 words, explain the how Nora and Helmer's relationship evolves...
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Connecting and Comm

For this project I would like for you to write a three page essay on the chapter or subject covered in the class that you found most interesting and why.  You should think about what you have studied in this class.  Which chapter is intriguing?  Concentrate on your expected outcome of this class.  Did you see any aspect of the computer business that you feel comfortable...
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managerial finance

When a firm uses debt in its capital structure, it is referred to as a leveraged firmand this concept is referred to as financial leverage. Operating leverage refers to afirm's fixed costs of production. The higher the fixed costs, the greater the degreeof operating leverage that is being employed. How does the degree of operatingand financial leverage affect the beta of a firm? For a firm just...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Imagine you are in charge of a company.  In this report, your job is recommend the social media policy governing their employees from who can post as a representative of the company, to how reviews online should be handled, to when employees can use social media on the job, and what they can say about the company on their private accounts.  You will propose 3-5 possible social media...
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M8.1 Student-Directed Discussion: Hot Button Ethics

M8.1 Student-Directed Discussion: Hot Button EthicsAll Sections-- No matter how much we might study the philosophical underpinnings of ethics and morality, the time still comes to apply them in practice. Youve worked on this all semester, individually and with peers. In Module 1, you used a process of ethical decision-making to solve a moral issue in the headlines. In Module 2, you played the...
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Write a persuasive essay arguing three valuable lessons you have learned from the readings. Use examples and quotes from three of the works we’ve read to support your statements

Your essay must be multi-paragraph, single-spaced, with a blank line between each paragraph, with a centered title, and header in the left corner. (My guess is that this essay will be 6-10 paragraphs, about 1200 words or 5-6 pages if it were in hard paper form double-spaced) You must also include a Works Cited entry for each of the entries you refer to or quote from in correct MLA form at the end...
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I attached the book and read one chapter and write compare and contrast these two primary sources from chapter 23.  Discuss your sources within their time period.After reading the chapter think about what was going on at the time these were written and discuss the questions for these sources.1.  Joseph R. McCarthy, Speech at Wheeling (1950)2.  Margaret Chase Smith, Speech in the...
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Young and the Clueless article

Begin this Final Exam by reading the Harvard Business Review article, "The Young and the Clueless." Throughout this course, we have emphasized the need to align internal, HR-systems behind corporate strategy. This approach is done to ensure the company is able to compete within its external environment. After reading the article, please answer the following:What internal HR-systems seem to be...
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reading response

Describe some of your own personal experiences of encountering consumer products that use indigenous aesthetics in an uninformed and problematic way. How do you think these products may have changed their marketing strategy, therefore changing their overall message? Please incorporate a reference to one or two indigenous artists (either from the readings or your own research) who try to counter...
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M8.1 Student-Directed Discussion: Hot Button Ethics

M8.1 Student-Directed Discussion: Hot Button EthicsNo matter how much we might study the philosophical underpinnings of ethics and morality, the time still comes to apply them in practice. Youve worked on this all semester, individually and with peers. In Module 1, you used a process of ethical decision-making to solve a moral issue in the headlines. In Module 2, you played the role of a...
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