Issues in healthcare.

Professional nursing associations are critical to the formation, continuation, and termination of health care policy. In addition, interprofessional groups within practices examine implementation of policy and take into account the efficacy of policies and practices. Consider your collaboration with either a professional association or an interprofessional group in your practice. How can you be...
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Political Allegory and Character Analysis

For the Political Allegory & Character Analysis Essay, choose a single character from Dreaming in Cuban and, after student-driven discussions and conducting some independent research, identify a particular context relevant to the Cuban and/or U.S. sphere that the character relatestoeither directly or indirectly. In an essay that is 2-4 paragraphs long (450-550 words in length), answer the...
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Article response

1. What is the author's thesis? In other words, what point or argument is he trying to make? This is the introductory portion of your response. Partial credit only will be awarded for an unclear or incorrect thesis statement.2. How does the author support his thesis? What is the evidence he uses to back it up? Be specific and provide examples - no examples, no credit. This should be the longest...
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Analyze a Qualitative Research Report

Chapter one introduces the research.  Write 300 words about chapter one.It states the topic of the research and suggests who the audience is.  The introduction, which includes the abstract, is usually a statement of the problem and why the problem is important.  Sometimes it refers briefly to the subjects of the study and the methods used.  Chapter Two is the literature...
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Biracial Marriage

2000-2500 word essay on Biracial Marriage using attached references.Altink, H. (2019). Marrying light: skin color, gender, and marriage in Jamaica, c. 19181980. The History of the Family, 24(3), 608-628.Bell, G. C., & Hastings, S. O. (2015). Exploring parental approval and disapproval for Black and White Interracial couples. Journal of social issues, 71(4), 755-771.Chalabi, M. (2018). What's...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

This video mainly focuses on the U3 Unemployment Rate, but it also shows the influence of labor force participation on the U3 rate. While not specifically noting the U6 rate, it does refer to other rates that provide a more accurate picture, that is a reference to the U6 rate.Note: The video has Closed Captioning. To activate it, start the video, mouse over the bottom of the video and click on...
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Activism on Human Trafficking inLatin America

12pnt font, times new Roman, double spaced, needs page numbers, & an APA citation bibliography (credible sources only: news, .gov, data bases, papers, gov documents, journals, etc. NO WIKI)Really focus on the history of the topic & whats being done about the issue. Include sections comparing how different countries or organizations address the issue, how its changed over time, & a...
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Discussion post

For the first discussion of week 5, the first week we're looking at the American Revolution, I want you to read the first two sections in our TEXTBOOK for this week. These discuss the causes of the Revolution. After reading this, I want you to write up a forum post outlining what you think were the most important causes. Feel free to do some outside research, as well, but always cite your sources...
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a letter that will be sent to all employees

1) You are a Human Resources Manager at a big company operating in Canada, including Quebc;2) You need to communicate that the company will no longer offer the $1000 child benefit due to the Covid-19;3) Prepare a letter that will be sent to all employees. Keep in mind you will send a negative message, however, you need to use very positive communication explaining why the company is canceling the...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a film critique of one of the following films: Minority Report, Shawshank Redemption, The Life of David Gale, Brubaker, the Matrix, War Games.  In your critique, compare and contrast what we know to be true about the aspect of the criminal justice system your film depicts (corrections, surveillance and cj, computers and crime etc.) and how it is conveyed in the film. Rather, compare...
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