Entry 8

What seem to be the different teachings within the readings from the Quran? What stands out to you as unique about the love poems to God written by Rumi? Next, consider any preconceived ideas you may have held about Islam (from media, politicians, pop culture, social constructs, etc.). Do the primary readings from the Qur'an or Rumi support or challenge any preconceived assumptions or the popular...
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PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTION FOR THIS PAPER CAREFULLY!!! THIS IS MY FINAL PAPER FOR THIS CLASS, THANK YOU. - I attach below files that will help you to write the research paper, the annotated bibliography, the sources, the paper's instruction and the paper rubric.- The requirement of the paper is there are at least 8 academic sources, you will use 5 academic sources from the "Annotated...
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Position Term Paper: I have assigned a research project (position term paper), which will require each student to apply critical thinking skills in the preparation of a transactional writing that is both informative and persuasive. In satisfying the term

Position Term Paper: I have assigned a research project (position term paper), which will require each student to apply critical thinking skills in the preparation of a transactional writing that is both informative and persuasive. In satisfying the term paper requirement, it is highly recommended that the student follow the directions as stated below. Each student should select an accounting...
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Watch the document series of BIKRAM YOGI GURU PREDATOR on Netflix and answer the following Questions to consider for White Collar Crime:1) How does power and wealth intersect with notions of crime differently than street crimes?2) Was sort of harms were Bikram Choudhury allegedly guilty of?3) When understanding the victimology of those who were harmed, what were the characteristics that were an...
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Talent Management : How are small and medium sized Packaging Companies in Qatar are encouraging Learning and Motivation among the team post Covid 19?

Research on Talent MangementTopic: How are small and medium sized Packaging Companies in Qatar are encouraging Learning and Motivation among the team post Covid 19?i have attached the main assignment doc along with guidance on how to do and what to add. Also, i have attached a presentation, please use it to write about the primary research. use books, articles, journals and online links for...
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Manhaunt Unabomber

Ted Kaczynski (Watch the NetFlix series Manhunt Unabomber, the one with 8 episodes to answer the following questions.)1) Consider Kaczynski's childhood. Which relationships in his family impacted him the most and why? Is there anything that stands out to you about his childhood?2) Please read the following...
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transmedia adaptation

Introduce a transmedia work that belongs to the genre of the week (animation/videoSource Text: Sailor Moon in animation 1992Target Text: Sailor Moon in manga series 1991-19972. The recommended primary texts will be uploaded each week in a separate file, but you are highly encouraged to write about a text that you are familiar with. 3. Summarize and explain the similarities and differences between...
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Worksheet #4 External stakeholdersPlace refer to the class material show in the PPT and video, Thank YouThere are different strategies that NGOs use to influence business and government. These two videos illustrate different approaches to environmental activism taken by Greenpeace - one in 2011, the other ten years later. 1. How effective was the campaign against Mattel? Why do you think it did...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Instructions: The powerful quote from Esther Thelen that appears near the end of chapter 11 in the textbook has many implications for those who take a developmental perspective: People perceive in order to move and move in order to perceive. What, then, is movement but a form of perception, a way of knowing the world as well as acting on it? In a 500 word essay, discuss the implications of...
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