chapter 7 discussion

Consider Howard Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Some have criticized the different forms as being skills rather than actual forms of intelligence. Excluding Linguistic and Logical-Mathematical identify at least one of the remaining intelligences that you manifest. Do you believe the critics or do you see these as true forms of intelligence? After posting your response respond to at...
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chapter 8 reflection

Many college students study by simply repeating their notes over and over (rote rehearsal). Although this method is good for processing data into STM there are other means to effectively move material into LTM. Make sure to read the How To Study Effectively section in Chapter 8. Now, in one to two paragraphs discuss how you currently prepare for exams and how you might incorporate 4 additional...
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classical theory

In a minimum of 300 words, discuss how the classical theory of crime has influenced the criminal justice system.  Discuss specific elements of our current system that are based on this theory. Cite sources. Your original post is worth up to five points. Responding to two additional posts is worth up to five additional points.
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four eras policy

In no less than 300 words, identify and discuss the four eras of policing as described in your readings and research. Which era, in your opinion is the most effective? Your original post is worth up to five points. Responding to two additional posts is worth up to five additional points.Cite sources. Cutting and pasting is not acceptable.
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Module 5 discussion 2

Module 5 Discussion 2: Disease Analysis JournalOverviewThis module, you will find articles of interest around the following areas: endocrine system diseases, the musculoskeletal system, and integumentary system diseases. These systems govern our physical and emotional place in the world, and can impact us accordingly if we were to suffer from any of these diseases. Think about how these disorders...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

In Chapter 7 of your textbook, Cultural Intelligence for Leaders, please read Case Study 9: Faith and Health.  Please be sure to particularly address the following questions related to the case:Using what you know about cultural intelligence, analyze the situation in terms of national, regional and individual levels.For each of the five behaviors and needs outlined,  find a strategy, or...
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Police in the Community

Learning Objectives: 1.Identify how the special populations in a community pose special problems for the police.2. Contrast the needs of the young, elderly, and disabled.3. Identify the major elements that contribute to resolving or compounding the problems of special populations.4. Suggest several ways through which the effectiveness of services to special populations might be...
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Design Report

This will be the final report of all the projects. There are specific stuff descriptions that should be done on this report is on the rubric and my friends message. It should be about the simplify website and recipe card section from previous reports. Please refer to previous reports for specific content.
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Essay 3

For this assignment, compare those parallel worlds. How do realism and one alternate theory to explain international responses to the Yugoslav wars of 1991-99 or the Iraq wars of 1990-2011? What does realism explain best? What does one alternate theoryliberalism, constructivism, post-modernism or feminist international theoryexplain better? Explain realism and another international...
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DB 4

Answer this question based on the reading belowWhat if Kahneman is right, and we only do rationality with effort? What does that mean for the future of international relations?Reading: In 2002, the Nobel Prize for Economics went to Daniel Kahneman, pictured here. Kahneman is a psychologist. This made the award of the highest of all economic awards rather surprising and kind of brave. The Nobel...
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