Close analysis of the male gaze

Please read the files I have attached to this assignment. The guidelines are key because my professor is very specific with what they want done. I have attached a model assignment of how my professor wants this assignment done. The paper should follow this exact model as well as follow the exact directions I have attached. Please reach out to me if you have any questions about this assignment. I...
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M5.8 Short Paper

IntroductionAs explained in M5.4:  Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) are two cryptographic security protocols used for Internet security; however, since their inception in the early 1990s, SSL and TLS have been vulnerable to various attacks. For this activity, you will analyze SSL and TLS attack vectors.InstructionsBegin by reading the following:Commonly reported...
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Fad Diets

in a 3-page written essay, describe the nutritional pros and cons of fad diets and food trends. Choose a fad diet from Table 15.1 in the text and further discuss the nutritional implications of this fad diet. You can include personal testimony if you or someone you know has tried this type of fad diet trend. Conclude with your opinion as to why people choose to adopt these fad diet trends into...
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Unit Four Passport Assignment

You must respond in-depth to each of the following as you engage with the resource, so you may want to jot down notes or thoughts as you view your selection: Provide a brief overview of your selected video:You should make it clear you watched the entire video or completed the full experience. Please discuss in your own words, and do not copy from any outside description of the material. Maintain...
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M5 Discussion

This is a two part assignment the first part is below instruction after i post the first part then i can provide the second part which is to respond to three student post. Introduction NVD is the U.S. government repository of standards-based vulnerability management data represented using the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP). This data enables the automation of vulnerability...
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This assignment consists of three independent scenarios for which computations should be shown.Scenario ACompute the break-even point in sales dollars if fixed costs are $200,000 and the total contribution margin is 10% of revenue.Show the analysis in a table format. Write a one-paragraph interpretation of the information presented in the table.Scenario BDanny Company makes and sells stuffed...
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Introduction, thesis, outline of final paper

Use the information provided below to: Develop an introduction with a thesis statement for the Final Paper, Create an outline of the major headings with a two- to three-sentence description of what you will discuss under each heading, Provide a references page for the sources used in the Final Paper (the Final Paper has a minimum requirement of five scholarly sources).State the complete...
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Jameel Arts Center Architectural Research

This assignment is a group work of 3 students. Each student is required to choose a building from the same time period. All 3 buildings need to have similar characteristics. The building i chose was the Jameel Arts Center in Dubai. My partners chose two more buildings in a different country, however they all share similar characteristics.For this order, I need to get all the information mentioned...
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Topic 3 Dq2

dentify any unusual environmental problems (for example: heavy metals due to mining, water pollution due to farming or industry) in your neighborhood and research possible health effects of potential environmental hazards in the area. Who is at risk, what is the environmental hazard, where does this hazard come from and what health problems caused by the pollutant? Before you get started, review...
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Patronage System

about the following ideas when writing your post:What were the advantages of the patronage system for composers and musicians?What were the advantages of the patronage system for wealthy aristocrats?What were the disadvantages of patronage? (Think about political power structures at the time.)IF YOU COMPLETE ANY RESEARCH YOU MUST CITE IT!The initial post requires a minimum of 250 words,
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