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Identify 2 instances where the RN avoided misconduct. Discuss how she navigated the identified issues.2. If you were a clinical research coordinator, identify 3 ways you would act as an advocate for the study participants?3. How will this information make you a better advocate as a nursing professional?*Post should include support from a minimum of 2 references (scholarly sources only)
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Plato and Meno

Compare/contrast the character of Meno and Socratesas represented in Platos Meno.  Explain how the character of each is related to a specific account of memory and knowledge. This comparison should include an account of what each takes to be knowledge and its relation to ones character.
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Electric vehicle mishaps

DO NOT RESEARCH YOUR COMPANY OF CHOICE. You will research the industry. e.g. if you are doing the working conditions of Amazon. You will not research Amazon, but issues within the e-commerce industry.each Journal will have the required resources and 4 sections as described in the parameters. You will have an intro to the topic, a body or development of the topic which mentions the three (3)...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Bring a rough draft of the following on March 16:  Microsoft Word, Times New Roman or Arial Font.(The final draft will be 2.5-four pages double-spaced due on March 23.) Critical Media Literacy Project:  The purpose of Critical Media Literacy is to understand all forms of media and the institutions of power that shape and inform media and its various representations. By analyzing,...
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Aging out of Foster Care

For this assignment  Select a topic that is important, in some way, to social work practice.. my topic is Aging out of Foster Care Identify at least one database (that includes peer-reviewed journal articles) to search Select key words for your search Conduct the literature search. Scroll through the hits and select three data-based articles Summarize the five articles using this table...
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Silver Linings Playbook Case Study

-For this assignment, please choose a movie about mental illness from the following selections4.) Silver Linings Playbook- depicts a man with bipolar disorder-This assignment is worth 75 points.-Write a 2-3 page paper using APA format describing the following:Describe the mental illness that the main character demonstrates throughout the movie. How does it compare to the descriptions of disease...
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You will write a critical research paper based  that focuses on some aspect of digital media and culture as discussed in the course. Topics may include, but are not limited to, software as culture, digital copying, electronic databases, file sharing, social networks, personal media, hacktivism, digital art, video games as culture and art and virtual worlds. In general, you can address how...
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Juvenile Delinquency

Answer the following questions.A central issue related to critical theories is the focus on power.  In what ways do labeling, conflict, and feminist theories address power disparities.  Define each theory first, then explain how each address power disparities.  Then, tell us which approach you find most compelling.Post your individual initial response by 11:59 PST on Tuesday, March...
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For this essay, you must examine Charlemagnes consolidation of Europe. How did he come to power? What impact, successes, and failures did he have? How does he relate to the church-state issue during the time (for example, his motivations to be coroneted)? And lastly, what was his impact on Europe in terms of this new Holy Roman Empire? his paper must be 6-7 pages (six FULL pages, not including...
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water powered renewable energy and their effect on Marine life, specifically marine birds!

I need a rough draft of the paper by the 8th of April, in-text citations, the heading needs to stay set up the way I have provided. I started a page of the essay and have most of the sources I think are necessary for the essay. The full PDFs of the sourced papers are included here and I have cited them already in my document. I need a minimum of 8 sources. The PDF labeled term paper guide...
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