
1. Over the years, large business organizations have steadily reduce the number of layers in the organization structure. What purpose has this profound change structure served? 2. Many career counselors believe that you are more likely to succeed in an organization in which your faith the culture. How could you determine before joining an organization whether you fit its culture?3. Why should a...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Offer a close reading of Bettina Judds poem, THE RESEARCHER PRESENTS JOICE HETH. In your examination of the poem, analyze at least three formal elements (i.e. syntax, diction, layout, imagery, figure of speech, voice, symbolism, rhythm, etc.) and offer some commentary that connects to a theme/issue/concept from Harriet Washingtons introduction and/or the NPR podcast and/or Judds poetry reading.
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CYS523 M3.6

Two part: 1st part is the instruction below and in order to provide second part i have to post 1st part by deadline. 2nd part is three response to other strudents post. IntroductionInvalidated inputs are always a big threat to website security. In this activity, you will discuss the popular buffer overflow attack and its countermeasures.InstructionsBefore starting with the assignment, refer to...
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thesis—-Basketball is overlooked as a healthy sport compared to football.

thesis----Basketball is overlooked as a healthy sport compared to football. -find people that think that basketball is not great or healthy or maybe people that like football better (need someone to argue with) -use interview or articles. issue---- is basketball healthier than football find our sources from stony brook library account- 5-8 sources(quality peer reviewd sources) intro opposing view...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

. In Reassigning Meaning, Simi Linton critiques the popular phrase, overcoming a disability. Why is the overcoming narrative problematic, and what is its relationship to the representation of disability known as inspiration porn? After defining inspiration porn, reflect on what model(s) or framings of disability the overcoming narrative and inspiration porn linked to. You may use outside examples...
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Discussion Post

Here is the graded discussion post question, (Aim for 250 words)Focusing on the American Cancer Society "Current State Value Stream Map" from our class exercise, and the "Design Thinking" guide posted in Module 5 (in the link Required Readings and Videos), please address the following in your answer:Identify another specific "pain point" or "change opportunity" in the current state VSM (please...
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Basketball is overlooked as a healthy sport compared to football.

thesis----Basketball is overlooked as a healthy sport compared to football.    -find people that think that basketball is not great or healthy or maybe people that like football better (need someone to argue with)    -use interview or articles.issue---- is basketball healthier than football find our sources from stony brook library account- 5-8 sources(quality peer...
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Classical Archaeology

Answer number as indicated. Each question must be answered in 5-6 paragraphs. Each paragraph must be 5-10 sentences each. No plagiarism. Uses sources below for help. Do not cite powerpoints,1.  Compare the frescoes of the Knossos palace to those found in the West Building at Akrotiri on Thera.  Do their subjects indicate differing ways of life by those inhabiting these buildings? ...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Why is the identification of the real problem the first and most important step in the decision-making process? How does attribution theory explain mistakes that can be made as managers and employees work together to explain why the problem occurred?Identification of the real problem is critical because it ensures that the group will be "treating the problem instead of the symptom."...
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