Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please use your own words. This is very important.Please read chapters 4 and 5 I have attached, please. If you can't please don't take this assignment thank you. DirectionsFirst, please watch and read the links I have attached here. The link is about resources on what are Mind Maps: Break it down with Mind Maps  and How to Make Mind Next, generate and create a Mind Map of your own that...
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Please read and answer

I HAVE SEPARATED THE QUESTIONS.PLEASE ANSWER THEM WITH YOUR OWN WORD. DON'T USE ANY RESOURCES.YOU CAN ANSWER QUESTIONS ONE TO TWO PARAGPARH EACH AND COMPLETE 275 WORDS IN TOTAL BY ANSWERING ALL THE QUESTIONS. THANK YOU.1) Please watch the Ted Talk video below and then read the short article I have linked below from Scientific American magazine about political bias in the social sciences. is it...
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Annotated Bibliography

Select 10 scholarly articles (ALL ARTICLES MUST BE WITHIN THE LAST 10 YEARS) that will support your research paper. Write an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography takes each article and a short paragraph is written stating how the article supports your research paper. Each scholarly article is listed (in APA format) then the paragraph is written.This means I will be looking for 3...
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3-2 Simulation Checkpoint Assignment

OverviewThe Simulation Checkpoint Assignment in this course directly supports your success on the course project. You will play the simulation game, create the image file of your simulation report, and discuss learned concepts and experiences in your submission.PromptFor this assignment, you will play the first run of the Macroeconomics Simulation: Econland from Harvard Business Review, in which...
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racial profiling

"Hence, it is necessary to start working on putting an end to racial profiling by constructing definitive solutions to this seemingly vague issue." This is the thesis of my critique essay but you must make a thesis statement for the antithesis essay basically the opposite or a counterclaim.For this essay you must:*Must do an Antithesis version of this essay*present at least two opposing claims to...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

The second short essay is a bit longer than the first one and involves a critical reflection upon your first essay. First, read through the questions featured on the weekly schedule of the syllabus. Choose one question to address in a 4 - 5 page essay. Your answer must include both 1) a reflection upon the analysis in your first essay and 2) an analysis of a new passage or scene from a story that...
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hardware security

Please write a critical review for each paper, that:- Summarizes the papers in about 10 sentences- Evaluate the author's work in good aspect(in bullet points), for example "Summarizing figure is very clear and useful." I have provided some examples. Please read the examples.- Lists the potential improvements this paper can do(in bullet points), for example "The authors didnt provide meaningful...
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History Research Paper

A 5-7 page paper on an approved topic, using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font.  Bibliography to include one primary source and five secondary sources.  No encyclopedias may be used as a source.  Footnotes and bibliography should be in accordance with Turabian, 8th edition.  Citation and bibliography examples are shown at:
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TED Talk relates to Intelligence

Below is the link  for the  TED TALK "  The world needs all kinds of mind- Temple Grandin"Summarize what the talk was about. Connect this Ted Talk to Developmental psychology and/ or intelligence theory.  Does this ted talk relate to intelligence theory, especially multiple intelligence? Does this agree with the theory? Do you agree or disagree? Use "I believe or I disagree"No...
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Introduction to Business Law and Ethics

Homework 1Please summarize, in your own words, the facts and the decision of the court in the case mentioned below:romasanta v. mitton case, available on p. 212, Cheeseman, Contemporary Business Law, 8th ed.Your homework should include, especially, the following:      the nature of and the parties to the contract      the facts that underlie the dispute   ...
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