Crypto algorithms (asymmetric or symmetric) Comparison

ABC Institute of Research has sensitive information that needs to be protected from its rivals. The Institute has collaborated with XYZ Inc. to research genetics but does not want to share other research projects. These other projects must be kept confidential at any cost. ABC researchers are unsure about the form of crypto algorithm (asymmetric or symmetric) to use to protect their intellectual...
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Political analysis politics and advocacy

Description: There are many political factors that may prevent evidence-based or promising public health policy from becoming law. As a lobbyist hired by the coalition working to advance the bill you are tracking this semester, analyze the political context surrounding your bill using the prompts (questions) below. Conclude your analysis by making a well-informed prediction as to whether or not...
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Art HIstory

Watch Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (Links to an external site.), and write a reflection along with some notes before March 24, Wednesday class. Please be advised there are few segments/interviews are in Chinese. Reflection about the documentary (e.g. overall narrative, cinematography, etc.) (300 words): Reflection about Ai's work/practice and its relevance in Contemporary art/Postmodernism. (300...
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Occupational Therapy Interest Paper

    Create a personal definition of Occupational Therapy by incorporating an understanding of the historical and philosophical base of the profession of occupational therapy while integrating the meaning and dynamics of occupation and activity, including the interaction of areas of occupation, performance skills, performance patterns, activity demands, context(s), and environments,...
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PBS documentary, Americas Great Divide

2-3 pages, single spaced, 10-12 point Arial or Calibri font Part 1 is linked below (must be 1 - 1 1/2 page of essay) 2 is linked below (must be 1 - 1 1/2 page of essay)
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Cultures in Middle East

PART ONEIn no more than 500 words each, define the following terms:clash of ignorances; totalizing; Shia; neocolonialistOne third of your definition needs to explain the meaning of the term and if possible, who coined the term in what context. The other two thirds should discuss the significance and importance of the term(s).Length: 2 pages. Use a 12 pt font double spaced with standard 1 inch...
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Ethical Implications

Learning ObjectivesExamine the process involved with problem formulation.Apply critical thinking to problem identification.Apply decision-making techniques.Determine factors affecting decision implementation.Evaluate resources and actions required for implementation.Evaluate ethical implications of a decision.Evaluate decision-making outcomes and processes.PromptExamine a business issue of your...
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Final:Part 4

For each of the Executive Function Skills (there are three) (review video if you need to)Please list two activities (one at home and one at school) that would grow a specific executive function skill.Also, state why you feel this activity would grow that skill.So you will have a total of eight activities and eight reasons why you feel that activity would grow that skill.Please type it up and...
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