Olympic Studies

Topic #1 (Unit 1)- Part 1: Regarding the ancient Greek culture, lifestyle, and Olympic Games: Do you feel the ancient Greeks were correct in their choices and decisions? Clearly state your argument(s) (pros and cons) regarding the above topics and provide examples of each stated standpoint. Part 2: Define the ancient Greek term honor.  Give an example of honor from the Ancient Olympic...
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High street bricks-and-mortar retailers are increasingly conducting their business online. For a while their branding can rely on their high street heritage but how do you think the brand should be managed as the online presence comes to dominate?

The basic format of the essay should be a theory, concept or approach which is critically analysed. Then a case study or practical example should be presented that not only illustrates how the theory can be applied but also reveals further critical insights into the theory itself. TheOriginalityHas the student identified and analysed the unique competitive advantage of the business?Has the...
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Middle East history Primary Source Paper

Please follow the instructions below carefully as this is exactly how i would like my paper to be written. Choose ONE primary source related to Middle East history between 1700 and 1914. Primary sources are those created during the period under investigation and could include documents, state papers, laws and legal treatises, speeches, travel accounts, census data, diaries, memoirs,...
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Race, Ethnicity, and the Administration Of Justice

Question: Immigration is a hotly debated topic in America. Some believe the United States(US) should open their borders to those who seek a better life. Others, however, believe that weneed to place stronger criteria on who can enter the US. Who is correct? Specifically, should theUS have an open access policy for those seeking a better life, or should criteria to enter Americabe...
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The Revolution had a positive impact on women because it ushered in improvements in female education, legal standing, and economic opportunity. Progress in these three areas gave women experience of life in the public sphere outside the home.

Grade Rubric. Use a minimum of six sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary sourceINTRODUCTION & THESIS: Includes a clear thesis statement, an assertion, or position. The topic is original and manageable in a short research paper. /points 20FOCUS AND DEVELOPMENT: The body of the essay focuses on this thesis and develops it fully, recognizing the complexity of issues and...
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Comparison of Narrative

:This section of your final project is where you will complete an analysis of how best to understand this event in history, based on the primary and secondary resources you have studied. Use your primary sources in particular to analyze yourtwo perspectives on the event in question.
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Corporate Governance, Leadership and Strategy

This case study need to be based on the Corporate governance failures that lead to Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust maternity scandal. The critic assignment must be based on Corporate Governance concepts, theories, models, leadership, strategy, processes, techniques and latest developmentsThere has to be clear case timeframes and NHS governance critical academic articles. Application of UK Code...
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Compare the notion of “sisterhood” in Lucille Clifton’s poem, “sisters” to bell hooks’ critique of mainstream feminism in “Black Women: Shaping Feminist Theory.” How does hooks’ critique expose the ways in which Western feminist theory excludes a broad vi

* Word count: 250-minimum to 300-words maximum total, excluding the Works Cited, which should follow MLA format (Links to an external site.). In other words, the Works Cited should not be included in your 250- to 300-word count. This is equivalent to one page double-spaced.* Structure: The recommended structure for the paper is 1) descriptive title, 2) brief introduction (2-3 sentences mentioning...
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