40455 dq2resp

Please share with your peers one of the client centered or person centered videos you have watched. Give us a brief overview of the client and the therapist. Then discuss the change process that occurred. Talk about the relationship or the theory as you watched it in action. Work from notes that you took during the video. Were there moments that surprised you?  How does change occur...
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30455 dq res

Please share with your peers one of the client centered or person centered videos you have watched. Give us a brief overview of the client and the therapist. Then discuss the change process that occurred. Talk about the relationship or the theory as you watched it in action. Work from notes that you took during the video. Were there moments that surprised you?  How does change occur...
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Paper instructions:a. Deconstruct Kohlbergs Moral Development theory and outline two models of moral judgement.b. Discuss the ethical issues which surround the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in any three cultures,explaining clearly the cultural, moral and ethical issues surrounding the debates.c. Outline your personal ethical and moral beliefs on the distribution of these vaccines, and justify...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Catherine suffered serious physical injuries in an automobile accident and became acutely depressed as a result. One morning, she received a check for $17,400 in settlement of her claims arising out of the accident. She endorsed the check and placed it on the kitchen table. She then called Robert, her longtime roommate, to tell him the check had arrived. That afternoon, she was found dead in the...
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Hierarchical clustering

Assignment attached.Note: Submit the screenshots of the models (the output results) and answer the questions.10 points1.    Produce a hierarchical clustering (COBWEB) model for iris data. How many clusters did it produce? Why? Does it make sense? What did you expect?Change the acuity and cutoff parameters in order to produce a model similar to the one obtained in the book. Use the...
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Theory X and theory Y

You will be assigned a night to lead the class in a 30-minute discussion related to our course readings. You will develop a plan for stimulating debate,whether it is a class activity, small group discussions, bringing in outside materials like videoclips or a short in-class reading, discussion questions posed to the class or anything else you candream up. The texts and theories are by no means...
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Use ALL the links provided  Each week, you will write a reflection that include how the readings:a)     Relate to your personal experiences, attitudes, and philosophiesb)     Inform your evolving projects; andc)     Raise questions and issues you would like to discuss further. In your reflections, you need to draw connections between the readings...
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choose one

All students are to write an essay as part of the module assessment. The essay topics andevaluation criteria are listed below.The essay should be no longer than 3,000 words (+/- 10%) and submitted with a header sheet.Your identity will not be revealed to the marker. The work should demonstrate understanding of arelevant theory or conceptual framework, with application to case study examples....
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

six macro forces that marketing leaders ought to take into account when developing a marketing strategy. Choose one of the macro forces and write a brief post on how that macro force can impact a marketing strategy. Provide at least one example from a company that has had to confront that macro force and describe if you believe they've managed well or poorly.
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