critical thinking assignment

500Module 04: Critical ThinkingRisk Assessment (100 points)Read the following article:Banawas, S., Abdel-Hadi, A., Alaidarous, M., Alshehri, B., Dukhyil, B., Aziz, M., Aboamer, M. (2018). Multidrug-resistant bacteria associated with cell phones of healthcare professionals in selected hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology. a risk assessment...
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Descriptive Statistics and Probability

Show your work and explain your process for determining the solution for each of these problems on a word document with the solution given below the problem. If Excel was used, please indicate that as well on the word document. A word document and/or the Excel Workbook (if used) should be submitted to the Dropbox with labels on the worksheets to indicate which problem is being evaluated.All...
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Market Research

Part 2: Identify a Marketing Research ProblemMarketing research is the process of gathering and interpreting data for use in developing, implementing, and monitoring an organization's marketing plans. Its key elements are the product or service, its price, its placement or the channels in which it is distributed, its promotion, the tangible elements at the point of contact, and the processes and...
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Business Problem

Part 1: Propose a Marketing Research StudyBusiness owners and managers often identify problems they need help to resolve. In such situations, additional information typically is needed to make a decision or to solve a problem. One solution is a marketing research study based on a scientific research process. In this Assessment, you are on a quest to identify and develop a problem statement for a...
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anne Phillips view

In "Must Feminists Give Up on Liberal Democracy?" Anne Phillips writes that "while liberal democracy has signally failed to deliver on its promises to women, it does not help to address these failings in terms of giving up on liberal democracy." Do you agree or disagree with Phillips' view? By drawing on the academic literature we have been studying in this course, please take a position on Anne...
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choose one of the question to answer based on Korzybskis Structural-Differential and the associated red-pill/blue-pill diagrams count altogether as one source.

written on one (1) of the questionsPlease note that you are REQUIRED TO SUPPORT YOUR IDEAS WITH DIRECT QUOTATIONS.  Good paraphrasing (including detailed descriptions of the diagrams) is important too, but there must be at least three direct quotations from the text-based reading for the assignment.  Page references must be provided in brackets or by a citation method of your...
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analyze the beginning of Shaw’s play Pygmalion.

1) Reflect on the importance and function of beginnings (in literary works or in films). What role do openings play? How do/can/should the first pages or minutes of a narrative "set the stage," as it were, for the rest of the work? What kind of work does an opening do? What - in your view - makes a beginning effective?2)Write an academic paragraph in which you analyze the beginning of Shaw's play
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write a one paragraph summary on it. Your job is to determine the main points of the article, briefly paraphrase and/or summarize them (NO quotations!), and construct a well-written paragraph that includes an effective topic sentence, a body, and a concluding sentence. Although most marks will be for summarizing and paraphrasing ability, writing skills and formatting are always part of an English...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Reflect on the following:The RolodexThe Rubber BandOrganic SalesWord of MouthWrite a 300-500 word essay with a clear point of view about any of the topics.Example: Articulate how these will help your long-term success, or how they have already helped you in high school, college, freelancing, etc.
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RES814 01 Unit 5 IP Reporting Quantitative Results

Topic:  Writing Quantitative ResultsQUESTIONWrite a brief summary in APA format of 500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and include the tables below to support your findings. Refer to the APA Sample Research Paper as a template for your write up.A survey was conducted to analyze the debt of individuals in the...
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