Using APA standards, write a five (5) page document as follows:One Cover PageOne page for your Works CitedThree pages with your interpretation and comments of one of the Disciplined Agile Life-cycles (only one, make a selection of the list below):1.The Agile lifecycle. This project lifecycle is based on Scrum but extended so as to provide a streamlined strategy from beginning to end. It is...
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Slave Narratives and the Music it Created

Olaudah Equianos narrative holds a distinctive place in the American literary canon, it being one of the first such stories to be published concurrently in many countries and still a main staple of African American literature. Narratives of enslaved people give a unique perspective into American Chattel Slavery as does the music that developed from that time period: Spirituals, Gospel, and Work...
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reflection paper about higher education law

Six-page Reflection Paper Discuss four key areas that you have chosen (the four key areas listed below) in Higher educational  Law, showing your knowledge base in those topics, your practical experience, and your reflection as to what theories or models work or do not work. Expand your discussion with at least 10 recent references outside of the textbook. The paper should be at least six...
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The Impacts of Institutionalization

The Impacts of Institutionalization The paper should minimally discuss the effects of institutionalization on inmates, the impact on families and communities, and the difficulties faced upon reentry into general society. Emphasis should be placed on various evidence-based programs that have demonstrated positive results, either by lowering recidivistic behavior, and/or providing greater...
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Evaluating Solvency

review the financials of plug power inc. in Yahoo! Finance and the SEC EDGAR database in the Filings & Forms (Links to an external site.) page. You can access the financials by going to the Yahoo! Finance website, typing in the stock symbol of your organization, and then clicking on the Financials tab. After you have read, you will continue analyzing the financial health of the company. In...
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Traditional Teaching

Traditional TeachingLecturing can be an effective teaching strategy in learning situations in which you are introducing new content, stimulating interest, summarizing knowledge from several sources, clarifying difficult concepts, and updating the most recent knowledge lacking in a textbook (DeYoung, 2015). While lecture may be the most common traditional teaching method, there are other...
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Best Practices in Teaching

Best Practices in TeachingFor this discussion, you will:Provide a short summary of the current best practices in both a traditional environment and an online environment as identified in the nursing research literature.Compare and contrast traditional and online teaching practices.Select at least two teaching strategies that you feel exemplify best practices that could be used in the Vila Health:...
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Teaching Strategies

Teaching StrategiesFor this assignment, write a paper in which you address the following:Utilize your assigned reading from this week and your independent research to write three learning outcomes for your course project, which you began planning in Unit 1.Explain how these outcomes are reflected in the course content and representative of what is expected of the learner at course...
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Staffing Ratios

This discussion will be based on two readings from this unit's Studies section:Associations Between Characteristics of the Nurse Work Environment and Five Nurse-Sensitive Patient Outcomes in Hospitals: A Systematic Review of Literature.The American Nurses Association Web site section, Nurse Staffing.In both readings, the issue of staff-to-patient ratio is explored. Staffing is a problem that...
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