What I want to be known for

Each of us is leaving a mark on our surroundings as a result of our communications as we pass through those environs or as we linger within them.  Few of us take time to contemplate the nature of that mark or our ability or responsibility to make changes so what we leave behind is something that we are deliberately and passionately shaped. Do we want to leave that mark to chance when we all...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

you'll be asked to do some further exploration into the fantasy genre in order to get a better feel for what we're going for in our games.First read this (Links to an external site.).Here's a list of the 200 best fantasy movies of all time (Links to an external site.). Is this list authoritative, final, and definitive? Well, no. Any such list is probably a mixture of some smart comparisons and a...
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5.6 Module 5 Group Discussion: Before the Flood

1Q: What is your carbon footprint according to the quiz? (also include a screen shot of your completed quiz score from the website above). Are you surprised by your score?  What three factors do you believe contributed the most to your score?2Q: Describe at least five anthropogenic causes for global climate change that were discussed in the film Before the Flood.3Q: What is the Paris...
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Breast Implant Removal (Explantation)

APA format: Paper must be three pages in length (not including title page), double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font; 1 margins.Title page3 page reportReference pageResources: A minimum of three approved sources must be used to support your information. Wikipedia is not a valid site and should not be used. These sources must be used within the text of the report and included in the...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Instructions for Analysis Essay #1Your essay must be at least 1000 words (approximately 2-3 pages long). Microsoft Word has a word count feature, and you can usually view the word count in the bar at the bottom of Word. If necessary, search Google for help on how to view the Word count in Microsoft Word.  Please download the attached template, which contains additional instructions. ...
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Personal Statement

I'm an international student studying in a college and would like to transfer to a university intended to the major of early childhood and family studies with teaching and learning option. Here are some facts about me: I was born in Hong Kong and I've been studying there my whole life before I came to the U.S. and study in college. I'm passionate to stay with the kids and I have some experience...
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Discussion Question:Please respond to ONE of the following prompts.  Provide an illustrative example of a negligence suit that meets all of the required elements (using a hypothetical situation)ORWhich classifications of law are more commonly applied to professional nursing? From a current media source (e.g. Internet, newspaper article) describe a health-care related incident that depicts...
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Describe the differences between hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and continuous renal replacement therapy. How do they work to clean the patients blood and/or remove excess fluids? How is it monitored to be sure it is working correctly? What are the worst side effects that can occur on the treatment?List three benefits and three disadvantages to each type.  List the type or types of...
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Twitter’s economic analysis

A current economic analysis of Twitter in terms of the various market structure(s) in which the company operates, namely perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and/or monopoly.Make research to understand these individual market structures and how which one(s) fit the individual customer segment (businesses and users) and why, and how these market structures impact the...
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