Proposal and Preliminary Annotated Bibliography

The two main foci of this class are (a) the study of sound and aurality as a social, technological and aesthetic practice, and (b) the relationship between these aural practices and related or associated visual media. With this in mind, this paper should engage some aspect of either of these questions. Ideally, your paper will draw on some problem, issue or insight from class that has sparked...
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Accomplish week 5

Write a 500-1000 word description of one of the following items or of a piece of equipment used in your field. In a note preceding the description, specify your audience and indicate the type of description (general or particular) you are writing. Include appropriate graphics, and be sure to cite their sources correctly if you did not create them.A.)GPS deviceB.)MP3 playerC.)waste electrical and...
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Learning & action paper

The Learning & Action paper should be about a 50/50 split, with50% covering descriptions and reflections on key concepts covered and learned thatring true for the student, and 50% covering a specific action plan on how thelearnings will be used by the student.These are the course sections: Your Definition of Leadership Options Menu: Forum    In your own words, what is your...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

After studying Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:The St. Fleur family is well respected in the Haitian community because they are religious with great moral values. They moved to the United States because of political issues in Haiti. Ronald, the youngest son of this family, is 27 years old and lives at home with his mother and father. Recently, he began having...
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Pakistan and India: Community, Nation and the British Raj

Please read Ian Talbot's article posted under Week two module and respond to the following questions - 1. How did the colonial empire reinforce a sense of 'Indianness' and of caste and religious community? 2. Did the British rule lead to the 'traditionalisation' of Indian society? 3.  Comment on the notion of  India as 'timeless', 'traditional' society before the advent of the British...
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Proposing voi e-scooter to move into Indian Market

I have done a project proposal on voi e-scooter company moving into Indian market (which i will attach) and I have made justifications for why the need of my project in India has been found useful and i have explored market entry mode ''generally'' and have explored other alternatives too. moreover, my cultural awareness was good however there are a lot that need to be improved. I will attach...
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week 4 Dicussion

Question 4: What is polarized light?Question 5: You get a new pair of sunglasses for your birthday. How can you tell whether they have polarizing lenses. ("Read the label" will not get you credit.)Answer both questions. You must also cite at least one credible academic reference source in text and provide full end ref information in APA.must be atleast 300 words.
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Social norms

Devise a list of five to seven social norms that you conform to in  your classes (or our society), that is, conscious or unconscious behaviors to which class members are expected to (and generally do) adhere.Ex. Raise your hand to be called on in class. Say excuse me when you mistakenly bumped into someone walking.Dress code business verses pleasureInvading your classmate's personal...
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palestinian society and politics

Part A (75%):Read carefully and answer all the questions.Do not write more than two pages per answer. Subsequent pages will not be read. Three questions worth 25 points each = 75 points.Part B (40%):Read carefully! Define and explain each of the terms. Please do not write more than 10 lines for each term. Five questions worth 5 points each = 25 points.RequirementsTimes New Roman, size 12, double...
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