community assessment (swot)

Students will complete a Community/SWOT assessment on a community/entity of their choice. Instead of writing a paper, students will complete a SWOT table and give a 5 minute presentation summarizing key findings and insights.This assignment will be graded based on the rubric provided below (list of questions with assigned point value).  The information reflected in the rubric needs to be...
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domestic violence

Joseph lives in a state that permits the use of marijuana for medical purposes. He takes it as medicine each day. During Christmas holidays he visits his mother in New York, which does not permit the use of medical marijuana. He is arrested for the possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of selling. At the time he was arrested, he had two pounds of marijuana in his possession. What...
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evaluate your data

Using Appendix C (atached) in The Practical Guide to Analytics complete the Evaluate Your Data exercise.o Complete Steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6o Turn your work into a paper with each step as its own paragraph or section.o You may include the table as suggested in step 4.o Make certain you include an introduction and concluding paragraphs.o Cite course materials in developing your answer (readings,...
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WRIters choice

Instructions:The blog post will most likely be a response to the readings, to one of the videos or songs. Or, it could perhaps be a response to the last class discussion. The goal is to read, view, or listen to this content and think about what they mean and how they relate to the theme of the course. What did you think about the arguments? Did you agree or disagree? Why or why not? Did something...
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privacy concerns

topic: privacy concerns How would you address privacy concerns with employees? What if your firm is global?please read the attached chapter 4 below and watch the ted talks video attached as well. Cite course materials in developing your answer. Only use direct quotes from the attached documents below. No outside sources. Again direct quote ex "..........." (....,.....). Intro-body-conclusion...
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We have been studying Jesus Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew.  On page 85 of the text, it states, Jesus Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) contains the heart of Jesus ethical message.Imagine that you were to meet one of your friends from a school that does not study the Sermon.  Somehow, mention of the Sermon comes up in your conversation.  Your friend asks, Whats the...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Brief Topic: Burden of Malaria in NigeriaYou will write 2 paragraphs (no intro needed)- (be short and get right to the point, its part of the policy brief!!)1. Nature and Magnitude of the Problem (in this case make sure you will write a few -no more than 3 sentences- about morbidity example: malnutrition, anemia, or fever.)2. Write the Populations Affected paragraph (open uploads for full...
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Go to this link: and read the free excerpt (Chapter 17) from my book, VisuaLeadership: The Passion/Skill Matrix: Do What You Love, And Love What You Do.Attached is a copy of my Passion/Skill Matrix worksheet if they would like to fill it out for themselves after reading the chapter.  Watch my TEDx Talk, The Power of Visual Thinking, which can be found on...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please respond to 3 prompts (needed material are in uploads)1. Reflect on the textbook reading Chapter 4 Health for All? a. Describe the perspectives of Universal Primary Health Care and Selective Primary Health Care, highlight what is the same and what is different between the 2 perspectives2. In Chapter 4, there is mention of a turn toward cost effectiveness as a measure of success in global...
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According to our group’s project ,answer the following questions

According to our group's innovation project - drone delivery (belonging to logistics and business service industry), answer the following questions:How simple or difficult has it been to define the industry of your Team Innovation? What is the value of adopting an industry perspective and being clear about your industry in launching your innovation? What are examples of new industries that have...
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