A Reply needed, Only 3 rebuttles are needed

One of the standard steps in producing a scientifically verifiable research study is to conduct a review of the existing literature.  However, as we debated in the first Discussion, authority and documentation are sources of knowledge that may have their weaknesses.  Written treatises are not infallible and may lack the empiricism and objectivity of the scientific method.  Even if...
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Discussion Post: Communication for Change

Watch the video, John Kotter - Communicating a Vision for Change at on this video, assess the means of communication that are available to us as leaders. Review Kotters comments regarding communication, and efficient and effective communications. As the leader of a large organization implementing a change, develop a strategy for communicating your vision of change. Discuss the tools that the...
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The Graduate (Nichols, 1967) General Instructions: For this week's discussion, select a moment from The Graduate that utilizes cinematographic techniques in meaningful ways. Your goal is to explain how cinematographic techniques contribute to the mood/tone/meaning of your chosen moment. Be sure to avoid scenes that are covered, in-depth, in the lecture. Write 200+ words.The Basics: tell us when...
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US foreign policy

Choose any 3 out of the 6 questions to answer 1.Choose one of these clips. What are the justifications for war articulated by President Franklin Roosevelt, President Lyndon Johnson OR President George W. Bush?2.Given the goals of U.S. foreign policy, in a paragraph explain why blowback happens. Why people around the world object to U.S. foreign policy aims?3.Write a one paragraph letter either...
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The Patient Protection & Affordable Care ACT has been the health care law for the past ten years. The previous administration wanted to repeal and replace the law. However, they could not come up with a new health plan. The Biden administration is planning  to expand the ACA and have apublic option.AFFORDABLE CARE ACT EXPLAINED:https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/ppacacon.pdf (Links...
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Answering Exercises for Chapter 3

I need someone to help me answering the Exercises for Chapter 3Just these questions for chapter 3depending on the book's explanation, and the uploaded data.This exercise utilizes the data set schools-a.sav, which can be downloaded from this website:www.routledge.com/97811382897341.    You are interested in investigating if being above or below the median income (medloinc) impacts...
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A Reply needed, Only a rebuttle is needed

How could you design a bystander intervention in your workplace for sexual harassment? As a student of both sociology and psychology, I have found myself to be a firm believer in symbolic interactions and subsequently the social learning theory. This is not to say that what we learn from our role models is set in stone. I believe there is a fluidity in the types of people we choose to emulate...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week, you studied academic culture through an anthropological lens. You explored the variety of cultures that make up a single institution, and you learned about the value added by their interaction. You also read in depth about at least one culture of your choosing.Bergquist talks about managing polarities (or conflicts) between cultures. He claims that each culture has an interdependent...
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Covid 19 Life/Death

The Covid 19 has put healthcare workers in an uncomfortable position when it comes to life or death of their patients. This essay will need to include at least three topics below. Different DNR statusesEuthanasiaHow healthcare workers can cope with loss (include resources)Empathy and the healthcare workerItaly's who lives/who dies optionHow family members of Covid 19 patients can cope (include...
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