Module 8 HUM Media essay 2

Media Essay TwoThe AssignmentFind an article in the media (not more than one year old) that demonstrates issues and controversies surrounding the use or development of technology in our society. The article chosen should deal with at least one or more of the concepts or questions covered in the reading up to this point in the course (chapters 5 - 10). Some of the concepts and questions we have...
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Creation of Measurable Outcomes in Co-Occurring Disorders

you are to create the following three: intervention grid, evaluation, and care plan Find a newspaper article about a person (such as a politician, athlete, musician, or movie star) whose ethnicity and/or cultural background differs from your own, who has had an encounter with a system (such as criminal justice, welfare, unemployment, psychiatric, child welfare services, or the like), who also has...
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Significant influence on your developmental trajectory

Select one event or experience that you believe has had a significant influence on your developmental trajectory to date. Relationship with a mentor (make it up). Describe the event or experience you select, and insights gained that have influenced your development to date. Discuss rationale for the significance of this event /experience in your personal development.
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Research Misconduct: Real Cases

Search for a case of alleged or proven fabrication or falsification that has received media attention; there are a number of famous cases (avoid selecting a plagiarism case now; we will discuss that topic later, and also avoid using the Han case from Iowa State; its been overused).Learn as much as you can about the case you choose. Then prepare 2-3 paragraphs total that answer the following...
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draft an 11th amendment that you feel should be included with the original ten of the Bill of Rights

Using the information provided in this module, I want you all to briefly review and refresh your understanding of the Bill of Rights, comprising of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. While it's easy to take a stance of "The actions of the (federal) government don't really affect me", the BoR absolutely impacts our lives on a daily basis, so much so that there is likely...
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The Brain

Please read carefully and answer all questions below in one complete essay. Be sure to elaborate on your answers:The brain sits in the cranium surrounded by cerebral fluid. When a severe blow to the head occurs, the brain may collide with the cranium, then bounce back and collide with the opposite side of the cranium. At the neuronal level, a concussive blow to the head results in a twisting or...
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M3: Topic Discussion

Consider how trauma would have caused the aggression and lack of empathy in Beth. Write your discussion post on your thoughts about Beth. Share how you believe trauma could cause Beth to be so "cold," "empty," and yet "angry" toward every living being (people and animals) around
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