Renewable Energy Systems in Tokelau

Energy systems can come in a variety of sizes and complexities. For instance, the Western Interconnection spans from British Columbia to the Mexico border, servicing millions of homes, business and industries with a diverse portfolio of power supply resources, including oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectricity and other renewables. However, energy systems aren't always that large.The island...
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Olaudah Equiano

Read Olaudah Equiano, pp. 524-566 in the textbook uploaded below.Choose a quote from Equiano's narrative (it HAS to be from the selection in the textbook) and discuss how that quote contributes to the development of Equiano's character or a theme throughout the narrative.  Please include the quote at the beginning of the paper.
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News Review: Energy Management In The News

1. Choose an article.The news story or article should be taken from news sources such as indicated below which can be accessed free of charge online:Energy Manager TodayThe Globe and MailEnergy ManagerMacleansThe Vancouver SunThe EconomistTimeThe New York TimesThe IndependentThe GuardianOther recognized newspapers, journals, or magazinesArticles should be at least 8-10 paragraphs to provide...
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Woman at the Well

Analyze the cultural background of Jesus encounter with the Samaritanwoman at the well in John 4. Address the significance of Jesus interaction with her as a womanand as a Samaritan. Describe how Jesus displayed cultural sensitivity towards her and offer application to people from different time periods. Explain how the passage leads one to modelsimilar characteristics of cultural sensitivity...
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Should students in irish medical schools take an oath upon graduation

Students of most medical schools in the US, Canada, and the UK take an oath or pledge on graduation which is modeled on or derived from the Hippocratic Oath. This is not common practice in Irish Medical Schools. Discuss briefly what you see to be the advantages and disadvantages of taking such an oath or pledge on graduation. On balance, do you believe Irish medical schools should oblige their...
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Term PaperIntroductionThe term paper is one of the most important assignments you will complete during this course.  The term paper is an opportunity for you to research a topic relating to our course that you have found interesting and desire to learn more about by conducting your own research.  The term paper can be on a topic of your choice, but does require instructor approval,...
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Camilla Townsends Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma

You will need to purchase "Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma: The American Portraits Series First Edition, Kindle Edition" on amazon. It is $11 and I can send the money to pay for it or you can include it in the bid. Here is the link to purchase this kindle E-Book: look at the attached document labeled "Pocahontas Assignment." There you can read everything that needs to be completed and how it...
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Performance Measurement

This homework assignment will test your understanding of three of the twelvedrivers of SCM competitive advantage, as illustrated in our course textbook. Thereare no right and wrong answers. Some answers will be better, morecomprehensive and more relevant than others. Since this Homework is worthabout 10% of the final grade, you will need to balance the time you invest in it withother requirements...
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Discussion 8The Discussion AssignmentAfter completing this weeks reading assignment, answer two of the following questions (one from each module), and then read and comment on at least four of your fellow students postings. Note that two of these questions come from last weeks reading and two from this weeks reading. You may answer a third questions for up to 30 points extra credit!  In...
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