Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the "Research Critique Guidelines Part II" document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses.Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer-reviewed research...
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How To Win Friends & Influence People – Dale Carnegie

Read the How To Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie book.  Create a synopsis of the book (2 pages maximum) A synopsis a summation of the book. The first paragraph should describe the overall theme or focus of the book. The book might go into multiple different aspects; however, for the synopsis, you will not be able to discuss all of them. Address three to four concepts in the...
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The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal World

****The Review will only be done on chapter one**** This is not just a summary of the article or chapter, but a critical review of the reading. A good critical review will have a summary component (about 1/3rd of a page) that draws out the main thesis of the article or chapter, the evaluation of the article for strengths and weaknesses (About 1/3rd of a page), general impression or...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

1) As per the efficiency ratios used for your Term Project, what is AVBs NOI/Total Revenue YTD 9/2020 and YTD 9/2019, on a percentage basis?2) How does your answer to #1 compare to the same calculation for your company?3) What is the undepreciated book-value of AVBs assets at 3Q20?4) What is AVBs Overhead/Revenue YTD 9/2020 and YTD 9/2019?5) What was AVBs Weighted Average Cost of Debt at 3Q20?6)...
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Does humor serve the same sorts of functions in gatherings of older people?

750 words, at least 2 resources citedDescribe the functions of humor that Sanford and Eder observed in their research on how adolescents use humor. Then consider: Does humor serve the same sorts of functions in gatherings of older people? For example, if you and your friends were sharing a meal, in what ways would your interactions be the same as or different from those observed by Sanford and...
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Complete the following (750 words APA formatted formal paper):You are required to have 2 additional scholarly resources to prove your thoughts and ideas.-Describe "girl watching" and the attitudes of the men to practice it? How does this qualify as sexual harassment? -Describe boy watching and the attitudes of the women who practice it? How does this qualify as sexual harassment?Read the...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

ITS a Pol Develop of Western Europe Course, and I need a term paper.Prompt: Explain the sovereign paradox (From Notes and Bates) Double spacing,12pt Times New Roman1 inch margins,No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.Need 5 pages long and bibliography page.Cite reading where appropriate (stated in the parenthesis)Do not use...
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Short Story Analysis

Write a unified and coherent essay of approximately 1200 words on one of the topics below. Remember that your essay should be properly analytical: do not merely summarize/retell the story. Assume that your reader has already read the story at least once. Your reader already knows who the characters are and what happens in the story. Your reader is looking for a thoughtful, meaningful, and...
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History 111, Essay Two

By the assigned due dates, students will respond to ONE of the following questions on which to compose a 3-4-page essay (11 or 12-point font, double-spaced).  In addition to using websites, you should also use your textbook or other credible academic sources to help you in your research. You must also some of the sources provided below.  IMPORTANT: You must cite your sources in the text...
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