Overview of Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction.

define the following terms in your own definition(s):(1) Risk-(2) Vulnerability-(3) Disaster-(4) Emergency-(5) Hazards-(6) Crisis- (7) Sustainability- Upon the conclusion of your own definition, find research material to support what you are saying for the above terms and use APA format for proper citation. I want you to get into the habit of brainstorming your own meaning for things, and then...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Autobiographical essay:The midterm is a critical and intersectional autobiographical essay, focusing on gender. Take Live and Die Like a Man as a guideline. Ghannam tells us about individual stories and connect them to the structural forces, patriarchy, economic inequality, body, etc. In the midterm, you treat your own lives as individual stories and write about them from an intersectional lens....
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Please choose your title

Write a 4 paragraphs blog research about the bad working conditions in some garment factories for working  children, long working time, safety, pay, space, ventilation and wellbeing. Chose the blog option. Write a title. Follow the outline to know what to write in each paragraph and the rubric that I send as 2 attachments in files. 4-6 Photographs and images have to be included in the blog....
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Does diversity suggest that managers should follow the rule do into others as you would have them do into you?

Class presentations (20%). Students are required to develop an individual 30 minutes presentation on leadership and organizational dynamics in public organizations. .My PPT should give the answer for this question:Does diversity suggest that managers should follow the rule do into others as you would have them do into you?  I will provide 2 references  you may use another source but it...
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Week 8 – Assignment: Develop an Employee Engagement Program

Your Signature Assignment requires you to act in the role of a consultant to assist in developing an employee engagement program. Your program proposal must consider work-life balance. Include at least one activity for each of the following four categories: Employee appreciation Employee-customer engagement Diversity and inclusion Community engagement/social responsibilityIn addition, at least...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discuss present-day environmental problems and identify their roots in Chinas environmental history.find a news article about a present-day (post-2016) environmental issue in China that is related to the topic of the lectures, films, and required readings for that week. Write a short paragraph explaining how the article is connected to that weeks them. To receive full points, you must post your...
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Bad Hair “Pelo Malo”

You will use a movie and at least four articles to support your critique of an issue discussed in class: (economic, social, political, gender, identity, LGBTQ, and/or cultural rights) affecting Latinx groups portrayal in the media.    The movie must focus on a specific Latinx group, it MUST be different than your own racial/ethnic group.  Be careful not to pick a documentary...
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Culturally Efficacious Teaching and Pedagogies

I just need a engaging and informative 1-page introduction.Here's the essay topic:How do you demonstrate that you are a culturally efficacious agent of change who is knowledgeable, professional, and community-based?When formulating your response, reflect on your overall experience. Consider the following guiding themes and questions:Knowledgeable: How would you describe Culturally Efficacious...
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Identifying Illogical Arguments

ANALYZING SOMEONE ELSE' ARGUMENT!Part 1: Please find an argument to analyze.  Be creative!  Some suggestions are to use a commercial, letter to the editor (or op/ed piece).  Analyze the argument you choose. What is the main purpose of the argument? Is it inductive?  Deductive? Are there any fallacies being used?  If so, which ones?Part 2:Does the argument align with a...
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