Dress code

As you learned in this unit, a Rogerian argument is one that presents two sides of a debate and argues for a solution that will satisfy both sides. Given two articles presenting opposing sides of an issue (mandatory uniforms in schools), construct your own 2-3 page Rogerian argument essay in which you attempt to arrive at a workable solution or "middle ground."Source 1: 2:
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Design Panel with Campfire Sessions

350 words altogether maximum. Write content for a newsletter according to the newsletter format that I have sent. It should be consisting of catchy, eye-level words and be creative. I have already completed the first part of the task that should give you an idea. Make sure to write fun, clear, and catchy content! It is not an academic paper. I have sent you an amazing example. Make sure to not...
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Week 5 Discussion Graduate Writing II

Discussion: Lead-OutThe lead-out is where you conclude the paragraph and its corresponding argument. It also provides an opportunity to emphasize your unique voice as a scholar. To generate the lead-out, writers ask themselves questions such as What is the lasting impression I want this paragraph to have? Ultimately, what is this paragraphs argument about? What is the overall significance of the...
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Ethical Decision Making and Hiring

The paper should focus on the following:The body of your paper: (3 Pages total BODY in length)-Your thoughts should be supported with relevant course content and library research.Explain the differences, importance, and purpose of both the code of conduct and the code of ethics. Secondly, tell me about some of the factors that you would use to make ethical hiring decisions in an organization. Why...
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M7: Final Assignment

the paper needs to be fix ASAPInstructionsThis assignment gives you the opportunity to explore a community different from your own and fairly unfamiliar to you. Depending on the day of the week and the time of day, you may have access to different community resources. During the course of your visit you should speak with residents, and community professionals. Attempt to interview a local...
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Strategic Approaches to Competitive Advantages

Strategy is an organization's action plan to achieve its mission, whether that is flying airplanes or building them. Firms have several different ways to achieve their mission, and these strategic concepts can provide an advantage over your competitors.Based on your readings and resource review, you should be able to define the three strategic approaches (differentiation, cost leadership, and...
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your opinion on whether or not it should be mandatory at a certain age to complete advance directive, living will or MOLST forms.  If you do believe that it should be mandatory, state at what age would you pick to have this completed and why.
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