Any topic (writer’s choice)

Alix Martin from Philomel cottage and Walter mitty from "The secret life of Walter Mitty" *Compare and contrast these characters on at least two ideas: in terms of their views of life, morality, ability to control their environments, etc. *Be sure to support your ideas with material from the texts you choose, including some well-chosen SHORT excerpts.  Any outside sources should be very...
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Finance simulation

Provide a brief overview of New Heritage what does the company need to do to succeed?What is the role of each division within New Heritage? How are the roles of the divisions related?In year one, five project proposals were reviewed. What proposals did you decide to move forward with in year one and why?How did the decisions made in year one impact New Heritage in year two? Why?Provide a brief...
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Interpersonal Interactions in Film

Interpersonal Interactions in FilmFilms can hold up a mirror to us about ourselves and our relationships, but they can also demonstrate an exaggerated, stereotypical, simplistic, or dysfunctional view of our interactions. This Assignment provides you with an opportunity to apply what you are learning about interpersonal relationships as portrayed in a movie of your choosing. You will evaluate...
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Systematic and Unsystematic Risk

elaborate on the following in a minimum of 400 wordsSystematic and Unsystematic Riskexplain the 3 difference between the two risk and explain an example example:The risk is the degree of uncertainty in any stage of life. The systematic risk applies to the industry or market segment-wide risk. Systematic risk, also defined as 'undiversifiable, variable, volatility or market risk. This factor...
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