
1-After reading John Locke's 1st Treatise on Government, critically discuss Locke's rationale for the denial of the hereditary right of an Absolute Monarch.  Be sure to cite Lockes rebuttal of Sir Robert Filmers defense of the divine right of kings. How does Lockes rebuttal of Filmer affect the future of democracy and representative government in England and America?#2-After reading John...
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culture and conflict (healthcare issue)

Compose a brief and focused paper which explains and describes your healthcare issue/topic from a cultural and/or ethical perspective of inquiry.Your instructor will guide you through the choices you have for this inquiry, including options and strategies for combining the perspectives.Your paper must be 4 pages in length and reference 4-6 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources. Be sure to follow APA...
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WhistleblowingWhistleblowers are people who decide to report unethical or illegal activities, usually under the control of their employers whether working for a private company, nonprofit organization or government agency. Research a situation in which an employee either considered or did report such unethical or illegal activities. Compare the advantages for the whistleblower to first report...
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Which of the five special senses do you think is the most important? (SIGHT) What is the rationale for your choice? When explaining your reasoning, describe the importance of the special sense.)SIGHT is the sense chosen)_____________________________________________________________________________When responding to your classmates, choose classmates who have chosen different special senses as the...
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M7: Discussion: Summarize Your Findings – Research Group 1

InstructionsAs the end of the course approaches, you and your group will spend most of your time in this module putting the final touches on your research project. For this discussion, you will summarize your group's findings from your data analysis and also put forward any lingering questions or issues that you would like your instructor to know about. Write an original post in which you address...
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In Your World: Statistics & Probability – Group 2

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR IN YOUR WORLD DISCUSSIONS:For the In Your World discussions, you will find and present examples of mathematics in everyday life. The goal is to draw personal connections between your own life experiences and the course content for the week. To guide your thinking, you will choose examples from the "In Your World" prompts given in the textbook. Some questions may ask for...
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Reading Discussion: Probability: Living with the Odds

In this discussion, you will share your thoughts and reactions to the weeks readings by engaging in conversation around a set of prompts. You should discuss at least 2 of the prompts in a meaningful way and contribute at least 3 total posts. You may also discuss any general thoughts or questions about this weeks reading and assignments. As this discussion is intended to be a conversation, try to...
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EN 2020 F Final Exam Professor Harding 12.00 p.m. Paris time Friday 188h December 12 p.m. Paris time Sunday 20th December 2020 Answer both questions, in the form of an essay. You may use your books. Send the essay back to my email in the form of a

EN 2020 F Final Exam Professor Harding 12.00 p.m. Paris time Friday 188h December 12 p.m. Paris time Sunday 20th December 2020Answer both questions, in the form of an essay. You may use your books.Send the essay back to my email in the form of a Word document attachment before 12 noon, Paris time, Sunday 19th.1. How does Joyce use past and future, memory and desire, to explore the construction of...
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Inka mans tunic

1) briefly identify the artwork (exhibition catalog or film)2) describe what it represents (includes in catalog or portrays in film)3) provide background on artist or film (about 1-page total); the rest of your essay will provide a critical analysis of the artwork, catalog, or film in the context of the theme we addressed in class.
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Care Ethics

Topic: Do we have special obligations to veterans, the elderly, children, women, any minorities, any types of disability or "differently-abled" people? According to the CARE OF ETHICS this theory will further support my opinion on why society has an obligation to care for all individuals specifically those previously mentionedWriting a philosophy paper:(1) The whole paper is one big argument. It...
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