Any topic (writer’s choice)

FIRSTIn 400 words, choose 7 terms from the textbook that had a significant impact on your understanding of Psychology.  Define these terms and tell me why these terms had such an impact your your understanding of Psychology.SECONDIn 400 words, choose 7 terms (different from the ones above) that you think will play a major role in shaping your future. Define each term and tell me why you feel...
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Quality Strategies and Deployment

Write a 1,400 paper with the following:A company that you are familiar with that has a formal quality process (either a quality strategy or quality as a strategy)Description of the quality strategies used by this companyExplanation of why this company implements a quality processA list of strategies this company has used to implement their quality processes. Why did they choose these...
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NOTE: There are several parts of this exam, including a multiple choice component that can be found in the 'quizzes' section. This is the third part of these parts.For the third part I would like you to look back at the content of the entire semester and pick three things that you learned about that youd like to remember in the future. For each of those ideas, write at least 100 words about that...
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PART 1: (1/2 PAGE)Read the file below this case as an example of a strong organizational culture and set of sub-cultures.  You will notice that there is an overarching "Disney" culture that is distinct from the sub-cultures or the summer employees.  Each culture has a set of values that it embodies and enforces.One of the most important things about studying culture is to understand the...
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Choose a topic that has stuck with you most (or something that has come up tangentially) and explore it through a game of your choice.

This course is called :games, narratives and cultureThe final project will be done in a medium of your choosing.These include traditional essays, text based games, videos, and podcasts. The field is open. Choose a topic that has stuck with you most (or something that has come up tangentially) and explore it through a game of your choice. You should aim for 8-10 pages (or the equivalent) with a...
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Contemporary Art History

Using the work of two artists to ground your answer, consider how art historians should consider identity, in their analyses of artworks. For instance: What do we need to know about Robert Mapplethorpe in order to assess his photographs of Black men? Or, how should we assess Imants Tillers quotations of contemporary Australian Aboriginal art? Or, how do you think audience members were expected to...
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Themes in American Literature

Revise and expand your previous essay (attached below) to about 2000 words (7 pages). As before, this essay should develop your own argument about a theme of your choice in literature assigned to the class. You must articulate the theme in your thesis statement, which should be your own clear and specific argument about the text(s) that you arrived at through not only interpretation but also...
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Self-Reflection Journal

Select three theorists, and briefly describe their beliefs/findings. Within their beliefs, see how specific personality traits/concepts are measured and also serve to increase understanding of your own personality. You will be required to interpret your results on various inventories and engage in some self-analysis by journaling what you have discovered about yourself. Each finding should be one...
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Personal Responsibility Essay

Imagine you are in charge of a major streaming video service, such as Netflix. Distributors want you to carry their pseudo-documentaries, and to list them as regular documentaries for the viewing audience. What should you do? Do you carry these films? Do you list them as documentaries? Do you warn the audience in any way about them, and if so, how? How do you even identify which films to be...
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diversity training

improving diversity training within an organization of your choice. Many organizations have extended the management of diversity programs beyond HRD programs and processes by changing human resource management (HRM) policies and programs to meet the special needs of the new workforce. A growing number of organizations are holding line management accountable for diversity goals. For example,...
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