Nightmare scenario for the election before Biden was elected

NO OUTSIDE SOURCE SHOULD BE USED Mishandling of COVID Mass Destruction:  Protests, riots, chaos, military, curfew, Increase protest The spread of more COVID-19 cases  Boarding up buildings in DC and New York DC this election is so chaotic, if one person gets elected and vice versa people will be upset no matter what Because of the extreme politically polarization Malaysia ruby ridge...
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Internet of Things

The topic is Internet of Things, which is a team prsentation. I am responsible for the third part of the outline (How it works). Please read this website, this is reference, -does-an-iot-system-actually-work-e90e2c435fe7. Help me write a speech draft based on this reference and outline (please use the tone of prensentation, you can make slight changes in the outline if necessary). Remember not to...
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Contemporary Art History

Using the work of two artists to ground your answer, consider how art historians should consider identity, in their analyses of artworks. For instance: What do we need to know about Robert Mapplethorpe in order to assess his photographs of Black men? Or, how should we assess Imants Tillers quotations of contemporary Australian Aboriginal art? Or, how do you think audience members were expected to...
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Research Paper FormatI. Introduction - In this section you are going to summarize your reference articles (3-4) for the same topic as you selected in the Article Review Assignment. In your own word you will summarize the Objectives, Content and Findings of each Article and will include them in your references. As in your Article Review you must explain in detail what is the specific topic of each...
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Project module assingment

n this assignment you have to watch the video of my classmates project module that I have attached and then you are required to  take notes while watching the project (bulleted, complete sentences, whatever you prefer). The following are needed for the notes:Concerns and questions you had about the format and content the group providedChallenges that would be presented if this assessment...
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PICOT Question and Literature Search

PICOT question on nursing problem:  For chronic pain, does addition of alternative therapies, such as music therapy, compared to narcotics alone, reduce patient perception of pain?To support your PICOT question, identify six supporting peer-revised research articles, as indicated. The PICOT question and six peer-reviewed research articles. Conduct a literature search to locate six research...
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Psychological Effects of covid 19

I. For those who are still having difficulty in starting your assignment, YOU MUST THINK OF A PROBLEM/ISSUE PEOPLE ARE CURRENTLY EXPERIENCING.For example, Comorbidity and the Opiate epidemic...there may be increased incidents of depression among people who are addicted to opiates.II. Now, consider how you will approach this issue...many people who were prescribed pain medications by their medical...
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eversource energy

The duration of the presentation has to be 10 minutes.Submit a narrated PowerPoint presentation, Kaltura video or Screencast-o-matic video presentation summarizing Sections 1 - 3 of your Project.  No more than 10 slides. which is in the 2 Docs bellow. I am late on this assignment so give me something that I could do a voice-over. Or if you do not wish to use your voice you can write...
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Learning Specialist Toolbox

Whether you are working in education, business, or health care, principles of learning will assist you in your professional work. For your Signature Assignment in this course you will prepare a Learning Specialist toolbox. Your Toolbox will be a collection of learning principles, tools and tips that you have gathered throughout the course that will be useful to you in your professional...
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Interview Analysis

You will conduct a semi-structured interview with a person who is either living, or lived in the Neighborhood that you are assigned to, or someone who is currently working in the neighborhood. Your interviewee can be anyone as long as they meet the criteria. This project should be considered as providing a personal element of the knowledge you gained through site visits. If you choose this...
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