Schools of Buddhism

Select a philosopher or school of philosophyAPPROXIMATELY 1 page: Summarize the contribution of this philosopher and the importance to the study of philosophyAPPROXIMATELY 1 page: Discuss pros and cons, including major criticisms, critiquesAPPROXIMATELY 1 page: Discuss what has been learned in philosophy since this contribution startedEnd with conclusions and what you learned from doing the paper
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community-health needs assessment

Background: In this assignment, you will continue the process of planning a health promotion program by analyzing the relationship between socioeconomic conditions and health outcomes in the community to select a health need priority and a target population. Eliminating and reducing health disparities are important goals of the health promotion profession. Therefore, in order to choose a suitable...
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Security Exchange Commission and IPO

Students will prepare a research paper. The paper The points are earned by a minimum three-page (body), five-source, APA cited write-up (title page and abstract are required and not counted in page requirement) to demonstrate a business and legal understanding of how the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) affects the way an initial public offering (IPO) is proffered. The discussion should...
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When we think about representation in the American political system, were not only talkingabout our elected officials, but also about political parties and interest groups. Define bothpolitical parties and interest groups and discuss their functions. What roles do each fill? Do we,in the US, fit the Responsible Party Model? Why or why not? What are some advantages anddisadvantages of having...
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Urban Anthropology

Each of your article reviews should include the following items. Limit your answer to each question to 1-2 paragraphs.1. Author/Year/Title of the Article. For example: Smith, Michael E. (2002) "The Earliest Cities.2. State the main topic of this work.3. State the conclusion of the author.4. Identify two important statements/points made by the author to support his/her/their conclusion. Discuss...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

feedbackIt sounds like you accomplished quite a bit during this two week period. It would have been good to describe your activities and tasks in a bit more detail, and reflect on the connections to health promotion and HPRO competencies. Also it would be good to review APA guidelines for you next report. Well done overall!
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The Presentation

Congratulations. Your project has been staffed and you are about to meet with the team for the first time. Initial impressions are important and youll need visuals for your presentation. C in which you address the following, in this order:  1.Goals: What the project hopes to accomplish. 2.Critical Success Factors: Identify at least four different stakeholders; for each, list at least two...
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New Historical Monument (history after 1876)

Please message me with your monument idea prior to starting the essay so I can provide you with some links to topics discussed in the course material which you should include in the essay.Consider this:What one remembers is as important as what one wishes to forget.  Current debates about history and memory, memorialization, and the removal of certain monuments demonstrate this. ...
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Cultural Information Paper

Assignment 4: Cultural Information PaperDue in Week 10 and worth 300 pointsYour new employee is going to be moving overseas! Develop a cultural information paper that will help them understand how to make the transition. (NOTE: You are able to choose any countryplease make sure the county of choice is logical for the position.)Include in this paper:a short introduction to the country,the local...
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