NYC during covid

Write a 4-6 page paper in which you discuss what it means to engage in art in New York City during our current COVID-19 pandemic. Many cultural outlets have been making attempts to provide artistic and cultural entertainment via a virtual forum.  How do you feel about this medium?  What do you think maybe lost?  What are the advantages?  Do you think this pandemic could change...
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Decarceration Refledction Paper

Please do not use outside sources, I will provide the articles to use below, and please USE ALL OF THEM4-6pp Times New Roman, double spaced Your paper should answer the question: What did this project teach you aboutincarcerated populations and the public sphere? Papers should engage with course content. Consider how this social group(incarcerated populations and those affected by incarceration)...
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Characteristics of Writing in Different Disciplines

you will discuss how different subjects or disciplines approach topics differently. The three subjects or disciplines discussed in Chapter 6 are academic/scholarly; history; and pop-culture.You will write a 5-paragraph essay discussing how the three articles approach the topic of camouflage using the same features differently.-Each paragraph must have a minimum of seven sentences-Essay must be at...
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Explain and evaluate Kierkegaards view that only subjective thinking can know the truth about God, and Tillichs view that God cannot be proved but only experienced as ones ultimate concern.Explicate and evaluate the feminist claim that traditional religious concepts of God are sexist.Describe some of the central claims of Hinduism and Buddhism and how these differ from traditional Western...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Just do Question 3, What sort of implementation schedule would you recommend for TRC, that is, what steps are important in an orderly implementation of this technology? Explain.You are required to research software implementation timelines and determine for a company such as TRC, what the components of a system implementation include, and what is the timing by component and overall basis....
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Slavery in the Roman Republic

Analyzing primary essay should discuss the source's authorship, genre, audience, goals, and key themes.  Additionally, explain what you learned from the source about the relevant civilization/culture/time period, and discuss how that connects to what you learned during the corresponding lecture.In your essay, you should discuss the source's authorship, genre, audience, goals, and key...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

define the term attitude,discuss factors that influence career development and how it relates to attitude and attitude change,explain how attitude affects decision-making in your life and the lives of those around you,explain how research in factors that influence career development has affected attitude psychology, and discuss any anticipated issues that may arise from this topic. For example,...
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hearing science

& listen to the video. 1) Adjust the volume on your speakers or headphones to a comfortable level.  You can use the ad at the beginning of the video for this.  Watch the video in "full screen" mode.2) Listen to the video and observe the oscilloscope  showing sine waves that correspond to the changing frequency on the screen.  (Do not change the volume on your speakers!)3)...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Locate one primary research article, systematic review or practice guidelines related to the PICO question that is a report of an evidence-based practice or a quality improvement project.  Thous this assignment involves finding one (1) article, keep in mind that you must describe the process on how you were able to locate the article.  Then, answer the following questions:What is the...
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