Answer the question

One critic of Jared Diamonds work wrote:"Like a Victorian moralist, Diamond lauds what he considers advances and warns of decline. His notions of virtuous leaders and societal courage are reminiscent of those of Gibbon and Toynbee, two historians who bracketed the Victorian era" (Joseph Tainter 2005).Diamond often refers to history as a race that has been won by Europe. For example, the first...
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The Exegesis of Deuteronomy 23:19-20

This paper is to be able to interpret Deuteronomy 23:19-20 concerning taxes and loans. It should be categorized by 7 sections: Introduction: Cite, analyze, and critique what at least 3 scholars have said about this particular passage of scripture, state your opinion of the passage and what you will argue about the passageText and Translation: Delineate the Passage, the Exegesis must focus on a...
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Envisioning Critical Societies

Here's a question for you.  What might our country/world look like if we had more critical thinkers?  Though I think that William Graham Sumner's statement on the, "Envisioning critical societies" page in your critical thinking booklet is a good start, I think it is much bigger than that!After thoroughly and thoughtfully reading the aforementioned page in the critical thinking booklet,...
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Skill Development Plan

Your goal for this assignment is to: Practice your communication skill by using the Skill Development Plan Template to outline a plan for developing skills to support a successful learning experience and career. (See the Skill Development Plan Sample.)Steps to complete: In Week 9, complete and submit your Skill Development Plan using the following steps:STEP 1: Identify the targeted skill....
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An analysis of a contemporary adaptation of a play written before 1700, drawing on historical research to bring out the ways in which the adaptation adheres to/captures and/or departs from/ resists the performance conventions and meanings of the original

The core expectations are the same whatever you choose as your topic or approach:        That you conduct independent research related to some aspect of theatre history pre-1700        That your assignment will draw meaningfully on at least four sources, and that a minimum of two of these must be scholarly sources accessed through the...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week you will participate in the debate. You will NOT be debating this based on an opinion you have; you will be debating it based on information you have researched on the topic, and on a particular ethical framework. See all the materials in the module.  You must support your position using evidence from valid research, and you must identify the ethical framework you are basing your...
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Organized Crime

read Chapter 4 in Organized Crime.  You are also required to answer the following questions from that chapter.  Your answers are due Sunday of this week by 6PM. Your answers should be from 5-8 pages (double spaced, 10-12 point font, 1 inch margins).1) Please discuss the Columbian Drug Cartels from a historical perspective.2) Please discuss the Medellin and Cali Cartels in general and in...
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What does it mean when we speak of cultures as systems? Fully discuss this concept using either the example of the rise of agriculture or the development of civilization. How might change in one aspect of a culture cause change in another? Provide archaeo

What does it mean when we speak of cultures as systems? Fully discuss this concept using either the example of the rise of agriculture or the development of civilization. How might change in one aspect of a culture cause change in another? Provide archaeological examples of this process in action to illustrate your answer.
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