Any topic (writer’s choice)

Project ProposalThroughout this course, you will work in each unit to build a project plan that will ultimately become your final deliverable for Unit VIII. Starting in Unit II, you will begin creating components that will cumulatively make up your final project plan. Your professor will grade each component and offer feedback. The feedback can then be used to make any improvements before...
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Creative Curriculum Assessment

Creative Curriculum Assessment75 points (15% of final grade)As a final component of the course, you will use ongoing observations of your assigned child (and/or alternate child) to complete a comprehensive assessment using the Creative Curriculum. This will include evidence of the childs development in each domain, as well as qualitative comments, conclusions, and recommendations.The purpose of...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Ratio AnalysisThis is your opportunity to play detective and do some financial statement analysis. Please select any publicly traded company. The CSU Online Library has several databases to choose from that are good starting points for your research:Mergent Online,Business Insights: Global,Business Source Ultimate, andABI/INFORM Collection.In addition to using at least one database article or...
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module 5

The research is clear. Family involvement is linked to student academic success. The National Association for the Education of Young Children states: Family members are welcome in the setting, and there are multiple opportunities for family participation. Families participate in program decisions about their children's care and education.Practitioners involve families as a source of information...
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Biden National Security Policy Recommendation

Imagine that you have recently been appointed as a member of the President-Elect Bidens National Security Council.  You have been assigned to a task force that will be conducting a broad overview of U.S. national security policy for the incoming President.  The leader of your team has given you the following assignment.    Write an essay (of 500 to 800 words) that: ...
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Philosophy of Law

Suppose that someone posted an essay online arguing that women are genetically less intelligent and less ambitious than men. This essay is intellectual in nature. It has cited evidence, including some scientific evidence. Like most essays, some of what this essay says is factually right and some factually wrong, and its reasoning is right in some aspects and wrong in others.Write a five-part...
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Astronomy. What is an exoplanet

About 3 to 5 pages- Decent, formal, scientific English. (no slang or unformal expressions).- Typewritten.- Figures can be drawn by hand.- At least one figure and no more than three figures.- Figures must have a caption.- At least two references NOT WEBSITES! A reference can be a book (our textbook is acceptable) or an article; online-article or books are acceptable, but they must be quoted as...
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Romans 1:16-17 Righteousness by Faith

Need an Exergesis Paper written In Turabian . 5-7 pages double spaced.  Here are some resources Brown, Jared R. Christs Obedient Slave: Pauls Use of Ethos in Romans 1:117. RAMIFY: The Journal of the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts (n.d.): 6478. Description: Jared Brown writes about Pauls use of rhetoric and ethos in explaining obedience being a source of faith. This helps show how...
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Cross culture synthesis paper

The purpose of this paper is for you to make connections between and among the topics that you addressed in weeks 1 through 6.Note this paper is NOT a cut and paste of your posts and threaded comments. It is an analysis of the interrelationships of themes, topics, and implications of your work from the first six weeks of the course.Your paper should address the following:     ...
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California government

Assignment 5: Write a letter to your California State Assemblymember or State Senator1. Identify your State Senator and State Assemblymember (Links to an external site.), and the address and website for their legislative office in Sacramento.  Select one of them. (If you are not a California voter, you can still select a representative based on where you currently live in the state).2. You...
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