The main focus of social work practice with children and families should be on the protection of children at risk from significant harm rather than on the provision of support for children in need and their families.

    Learning Outcome 1 - Critique the range of family and childcare social work settings and roles in Northern Ireland, including child protection, looked after children, family support, fostering and adoption, this will include the statutory duties in social services.    Learning Outcome 2 - Effectively apply legislation and policy related to social work and serious...
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Goal and Outcomes in Latin America

Below is additional clarification about goals and outcomes, thesis statement, and length. Please remember to view the You Tube videos that I posted on Course Content which cover thesis statements and topic sentences:SPAN 4319/SPAN 5350/CULS 5365 - Goals and Outcomes: CHARACTERIZE Characterize and understand different historical periods in Latin America, from its Prehispanic roots, the colonial...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Here are some resources:
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Epidemiological Methods Exercise

Epidemiological Methods ExercisePlease from a peer review journals select and download one epidemiological study, attach it as PDF file, carefully read the study, and answer the following questions: 1. What was the general aim of the study? 2. What was the exposure of interest? 3. What was the primary outcome measure? 4. What was the original or the achieved hypothesis of the authors? 5. What...
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Read the case study and write a report answering the following questions: (follow the outline of the report) 1.    What are the strategic issues facing Mcdanolds?2.    In terms of environmental 3.    What are the companys core competencies?4.    What is Mcdonalds business model?5.    what are the external environmental...
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Musical Review Essay

Write an essay which assesses a particular musical product, a CD, or a concert performance.  Your assessment should include an introduction to the artist and a thesis providing your overall judgment about the CD/performance, etc.  You might provide background information, about where/how your chosen subject fits into the genre, and you should state how the CD/performance fits into the...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

I need an Explanatory Essay. The theme is "What can cause a significant change in someone's life".This has to be written on the 7th grade level.Just an example. Student's maternal grandfather died in March, maternal grandmother died in September. (Could use this also)Develop a clear thesis, or controlling idea, in response to that prompt. Use sufficient examples and quotations from one of these...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

This assignment consists of essay questions.  Please be thorough and complete with your answers.  Cite your source(s) with in-text citations where appropriate.  This assignment should be 3 pages in length.  Be sure to cite your references.  Pay close attention to spelling and grammar as these will be factors in grading.
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