Module 3

Establishing appropriate learning goals and objectives are an important part of the curriculum planning process. Goals and objectives identify what you want your students to know or be able to do at the end of a lesson or activity.Learning goals are broad statements and the objectives, which help to narrow the focus, should describe HOW the children will demonstrate that they are developing...
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Module 4

For this portion of the Course Project, you will identify appropriate materials and equipment for the weekly curriculum theme you are developing. You will choose one activity/interest area and create a detailed list of materials and equipment to support all areas of development (PILES). In a minimum of 3-pages (not including the title page), include the following elements:Step 1: Choose one (1)...
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Write a respond

Important Note:1. Please write an essay that responds to the forum you choose:This is the topic link I choose: Your essay should incorporate an analysis of the main essay, a selection (at least three) of the responders, and any outside sources you deem relevant.  Responder...
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Module 4

For this assignment, please review the Goal below and create your individual Reflective Statement of Competence. This written reflective competency statement aligns with the Council for Professional Recognitions Standard II: To advance physical and intellectual competence, and is a required element in the CDA Professional Portfolio.Begin your Reflective Statement with a paragraph describing how...
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Question 1Consider the working environment you have chosen (Nordstrom) to focus on during this program and the initiatives you have proposed in previous modules assignments to introduce machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics into your organization. How might the use of AI in your organization impact employees, management, and jobs? Will any jobs be eliminated, or will new...
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Module 4

Johnny and Jessica are 3-year-old twins with different personalities attending a Family Child Care home.Johnny loves to socialize but gets physical in a negative way (grabs or pinches a child's cheeks) and the other children prefer not to interact with him.Jessica is very quiet and prefers to be alone. Jessica loves to read, draw, and lace beads by herself. When other children come around to play...
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U.S. American Government

SOCIAL CAPITAL EXERCISE You will need to read the Bowling Alone article by Robert Putnam. Next, read the list of 100 Things You Can Do to Increase Social Capital, as well as the student examples found in the Social Capital folder. You will need to select one of these social capital activities in order to begin constructing your paper. In selecting your activity, here are a couple of items to...
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Module 4

Writing a Competency Statement will demonstrate awareness of best behavior guidance practice through research and assessment, providing a reference for the educator's understanding and application. This written reflective competency statement aligns with the Council for Professional Recognition's Standard III: To support social and emotional development and to provide positive guidance, and is a...
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Othello play analysis

OTHELLO PROMPT: According to a recent analysis of Othello, Othellos dramatic fate is to have his exceptionality neutralized, his centrality decentered, pushed back to the margins ostensibly delegated to sociopaths like Iago, but in fact reserved for racial, ethnic, and cultural outsiders like Othello. It is Shakespeares playnot just Iagos planthat stages this transaction, that shapes the complex...
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