Criminal Justice

TOPIC CHOSEN: HUMAN TRAFFICKING This project will require you to find a willing professional who is currently working in the field of criminal justice. You may interview a police officer, detective, investigator, special agent, or a criminal prosecutor. Please do not wait until the last minute to start this project. If you have any questions, just contact me and I will help you get the ball...
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Cryptocurrency – Film Review

After viewing the movie "Banking on Bitcoin" (Available on Netflix) write at least a two page double spaced assessment of cryptocurrencies and their vulnerabilities, how is this new trend going to affect business and people. Follow APA Style formatting.Here are some questions to spark some ideas for your content.- Did you learn anything from this film? If you did, what was it?- What is the...
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developing a an application message

IntroductionThis assignment will guide you in the composition of an employment application message.  You will utilize prior message creation knowledge, as well as information provided in this unit, to develop an employment email that serves as an application message based on a student selected job opening.RequirementsThe email should formal formatting (salutation, closing, recipients name,...
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Funeral Law and Ethics

I have questions that need to be answered. It is a total of 65 questions some of which I have already answered and provided how they need to be cited. I have uploaded the document for you to use. All of the questions are in blue and I need the answers to be in red.These are the websites where you can find all the...
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M07 Discussion: Distribution Channels

InstructionsIt was about 20 years ago that most banks typically only used one distribution channel (their branches). However, since that time they have dramatically expanded the number of channels that they use (in person, online, phone, and mobile). Below is a list of common distribution channels for a bank. Answer the following questions regarding your thoughts on how the distribution channels...
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Power and Politics & Organizational Culture

Please review Chapter 14 (Power and Politics) & Chapter 16 (Organizational Culture) Power Point attached and write a reflection paper for both chapters 14 and 16. Course book: Essentials of Organizational Behavior (2018) 14th Ed. Robbins & Judge; Pearson, New York. Further details:Write a paper that integrates the chapter(s) reading with your experience in a work setting (current or...
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“Five of the Largest Asset Bubbles” article review

Write a three page double spaced assessment of an asset bubble of your choice and include the following:1) What were the drivers to the asset bubble?2) What were the drivers to the bursting of such bubble, and the after effects of the bubble?3) Analyze any regulations that came to be because of such asset bubble.Follow APA Style formatting. Review the article Five of the Largest Asset Bubbles in...
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Reflection on Program

Hello friend,please write a 3 pages reflection on this program: Executive MPA: Below is the link routes  to the home page: concentration is Management InnovationThe courses I've taken are Operations Management, Decision Models, Communicating...
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Data Driven Decision Making in Complex Systems

Consider how data analysis contributes to safe, high quality, efficient delivery of healthcare.  Investigate the role of information management in the evaluation of outcome achievement and provision of data to drive strategic decision-making.    Identify one specific data point for which information is collected within a healthcare system.  Develop a 4 - 6 page paper to...
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Smoking Should Be Banned

Four page essay(1200-1400 words), in which you effectively argue a position on a controversial issue IN THIRD-PERSON ONLY. Include 3 sources ( I have attached my annotated Bibliography and Outline for your reference). MUST have an introduction with a hook, a brief discussion introducing the controversy, and a clearly stated thesis that states a claim or argument that takes a position on the issue...
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