Attribution Theory and Performance

For this journal, you will reflect on your understanding of attribution theory, as well as apply the concept to your own past behavior(s). As you have learned, attribution theory states that individuals tend to make sense of (logically prescribe) situations by associating them to self, others, thoughts, feelings, or actions. This theory suggests that learners should consider why they do what they...
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Scenario Work 3 – Music

Visual and Performing Art concepts in preschool - Learning to create and set-up an experience for 3/4 year-old children based on math concepts.For this week you have to create an experience for preschool children that enhances art concepts, keeping in mind the Constructivist/Reggio pedagogical approaches.Please refer to the Preschool Learning Foundation's Volume 2 - Visual and Performing Art...
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Documentary analysis 4

You will read and watch the weeks Learning Materials, and then watch Trees in Trouble (Andrea Torrice, 2015). Youll then write a 250-400 word response in which you consider whether you find the documentary persuasive and why, including any examples of how the documentary appeals to emotional reactions and/or logical conclusions. Try to use some of the terms in the documentary terms glossary, as...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

DECSION MAKING FOR HAWTHORNE UNIVERSITYYou are an Administrative Manager at the Hawthorne University, which is one month away fromissuing final examinations to students in November. Once this has been completed, which usuallytakes a total of two weeks, marking is done by Lecturers and students are advised of their gradesone month after, before the end of December. This time frame allows for them...
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Team project writing of Operations for competitive advantage

Course name is Operations for Competitive AdvantagesIt is a 1 and a half page writing, double spaced. I attached 3 files, the PDF is the requirements for the project. The first word doc. is the project basic idea and content. The second doc. is the paper that need to work on.I'm in charge of stage(step)6Basically need to see the requirement firs(PDF), then write the stage(step)6  part on the...
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Project 2: close reading essay #2

Often when we read, the authors words make us see the world around us in new ways. Both poetry and song are similar genres that especially evoke strong imagery and emotions, even if they are also entertaining. In this essay, you will consider the context of a piece of writing and explore the ways it connects to our current cultural moment by choosing an artifact that supplements the reading you...
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What is schizophrenia, and how do doctors diagnose it?

1. Write a question-driven paper that presents the conclusions of your research. 2. This research paper will be 5-6 pages long, double-spaced, not including the Works Cited Page. 3. Use a minimum of five outside sources and cite them in MLA. At least one of your sources must be an academic journal and another must be a visual source (table, chart, graph, image, etc.).4. This paper also requires...
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Anti-Blackness in Higher Ed

Review all articles uploaded. Begin with the CROSS MODEL document. Write a 1 page summary of the theory and how it pertains to studying anti-Blackness in current higher education settings. Use the EXAMPLE FOR CROSS document as a guide on how to write this section. On the next two pages, summarize the main points of the other articles in 4-6 bullet points each. Each point must be at least 50-100...
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Covid 19 Crisis Essay

What weaknesses and what strengths are coronavirus exposing in our society? What lessons can we learn from this crisis? How should we apply those lessons? What role should leaders, in government and elsewhere, play during a crisis like this one? What ethical issues does this pandemic raise for each of us personally, for our immediate communities, and for us all as global citizens? What does it...
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Ancient Sparta

Start your paper with a very short introduction paragraph on your topic. Include a thesis statement in this introduction. This sentence will explain what thepaper is about and tell the reader the main issues which will be explored in the body ofthe paper. Focus in on your topic and include lots of specific details. A paper which jumps fromtopic to topic can only provide a surface treatment of the...
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